Thank you.

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I am eternally grateful for what this community and what this story have done for me. It still floors me to this day how many people I've reached with my stupid little internet novel about videogame characters. Just know that words can't express the gratitude I have, or something else sappy along those lines.

My relationship with fanfiction has changed over the years. When I first started this story, more than three years ago, I was young, innocent and was full of, well, spite [and very poor literary skills]. I loved reading books, and had a very stigmatised impression of fanfiction from the mainstream media. I thought it was all cringey explicit Fifty Shades garbage, and while that level of text definitely exists in the wide world of the web, that is certainly not the common case. In my first chapter, I was full of confidence, telling myself I could write a much more detailed and rich story than these degenerate basement dwellers who have the writing capability of a three year old. I was very quickly humbled, and grew to appreciate authors for dedicating so much time and creativity to something they feel so passionate about. Because at the end of the day, fanfiction is about the love you have for a piece of media, and channeling your creativity to craft a story based of its setting or characters. It is the literal definition of passion.

So even if at times I felt like this story was my own worst enemy, most of the time, it was my creative outlet; my way of expressing whatever I was feeling the day I wrote it. It's like the feeling you get after baking a cake or painting a picture - yeah, it looks a little crooked and neither of them would win any prizes but they're my pieces of shit, and utterly important to me. That's really all that matters.

Thanks for reading to the end. I hope you channel your passion to achieve something beyond your expectations.


Locked With No Key (Rainbow Six Siege OC X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now