Finn For A Stag

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"You're late," Ela said, clean of any bruises or mistreatment. Her smile - it was like His; cruel, perfect and utterly evil.

Other than a silver laptop on the desk she leant on so casually, the room was stark and empty. A deep, dark red anger boiled and frothed in the pit of your stomach.

"Where's Mark?" Bel pointed her Luger at her steely and flicked off the safety. Ela smile simply widened.

"The fuck are you doing?" Jaeger shouted, pushing her gun barrel down. "We are supposed to be rescuing her, ja?"

Your fist clenched, turning your knuckles white as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place in your mind.

"What have you done with Mark?" Bel repeated.

"What are you talking about Artemis? How could she possibly have done anything to him, she's a hostage," Meghan said. "We're meant to-"

"Why's she no tied up?" Seamus asked to no one in particular, the cogs in his brain turning as he flicked the safety off his rifle. "I mean, the door was nae exactly the pinnacle of modern security."

Ela shifted, changing her glance to Meghan. "I think you should go help Grace. She might have some," she paused, "unexpected friends to play with."

Meghan face cycles through suprise, then confusion, then fear as she realised. Her eye widened and she unsheathed her Deagle. "Sledge and Jaeger, with me at the beach!"

They both looked at each other, then ran out after her.

"Alone at last," Ela sighed. She removed the jacket she was wearing to reveal a bomb vest. In her left hand, she held a detonater, her finger pressed down on a switch. "I think you know how this works. Shoot me, and my finger slips off the button."

"Why?" was all you could muster the will to say, the word dry and bitter in your mouth.

Ela's body shook as she laughed silently.

"Why join the White Masks?" Bel seemed to speak for you as her finger flicked in and out of her trigger guard, contemplating what to do.

Your own wrist spasmed, seething and ebbing rage as Ela scratched her face with the hand that held the detonater.

"Everyday, we wake up and follow the path determined for us," Ela spoke slowly. "We stick to the rules, we are forced to be behave a certain way, and our thoughts are censored until they our no longer our own.

"In this day and age, you cannot even say that you don't like the way somebody looks without your life being ruined by an authority. Why should one person make up the rules, hell, why should anyone expect you to decide how you should live your life?"

"How does this have anything to do with killing innocent fucking people?" Bel snarled at her.

"You know nothing about the world, you understand?" Ela retorted. For the first time, hatred laced her words like a poison, and she seemed dishevelled and unhinged. "Nobody gives a shit about you until you start taking away the things they care about! Nobody cares about you until you stray from the path they have made, until you break their precious fucking rules."

"Attention, is that what this is about?" Bel shouted.

"Freedom," Ela replied, with an air of triumph in her voice.

"Freedom," you repeated under your breath, in disbelief. "Is that what Mark is? Is he free?"

Ela's eye twitched, before her smile returned
"Yes, after I persuaded him."

"Where is he?" Bel pressed, taking a step towards Ela.

"Under the carpet, there is a hatch," she said calmly. "I had to keep him safe."

Locked With No Key (Rainbow Six Siege OC X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now