The Hunter That Fell For Her Prey

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Over the next week or so, you taught Artemis how to be polite, how to make small talk and how to be sociable. Well, you were working on the last one. At the same time, she had been teaching the basics of CQB, a section of training you had somehow missed out in the SAS. Sadly, you hadn't gotten any closer to learning anything more about her, like her real name, her family, where she was from.

You were currently at the target range, using your M1A to hit the painted wooden targets from over fifty metres, the furthest you had tried yet while the silent figure of Artemis watched you closely with a critical eye. Clearing your mind, you tried to ignore the pounding rain that soaked you to the bone. You inhaled, then shot the first target square in the head. You exhaled.

The next to targets were easy hits but on the fourth one your damp finger slipped on the trigger and you missed it by a good metre. Shit.

You heard a sharp intake of breath from Artemis and two footsteps as she approached you from behind. "If you stand like this," she said while gently pushing your chest up, "then the rain stays off your trigger group."

"Thanks," you mumbled, blushing from the sudden contact. Her touch send electric blue shivers up your spine all the way to your brain. Being near her made you feel safe, protected.

The rest of the training session was a blur in your mind, because you were concentrated on something else.

Did you have a crush on Artemis?

As you trudged slowly back to the SAS dorm (Seamus let you stay: you had to sleep on the floor but it was better than sleeping in the hallway) you thought about it. Were you attracted to her? You went red as you imagined her, well, naked.

You looked at her from behind as she walked back to her own dorm. You had to admit, Artemis was quite an hot woman. She had a slim, curvy build and her tight clothing always complimented it.

You shook your head free of dirty thoughts and entered your room to see Mark lying on his bed with his arm in in a sling, playing Terraria on his phone. After he and Seamus played that prank on Mike, the old man was not too happy about it and shoulder charged Mark into a wall, breaking your best mate's collarbone.

"(Y/N), can you help me out here," he asked, focusing intently on the small screen. "I'm 'bout to fight Plantera, might need your help."

"Sorry, I've got to go fix my drone," you responded, dumping your gear on the carpet. "Besides, Plantera is easy if you have a Megashark. Duke Fishron is who you've got to worry about."

Mark's face turned pale at your comment. "You're telling me there's a worse boss than Plantera in this game?"

"Have fun!" you sarcastically exclaimed in a cheesy American accent, before heading to the workshop with your broken "Kamikaze" drone in your hand.

On one of her better days, Six had decided to give you a space in Rainbow's state of the art workshop, where operators like Mira and Twitch created masterpieces. You were grateful that you had a quiet place to relax and tinker with your gadget.

However, today you were not alone in the room, as Aria and Megan were both working on their respective creations, a volumetric display and a throwable "Black Eye" camera.

Listening to some music through your headphones, you gradually took apart your drone and forcefully removed the melted wire that was stuck to the motherboard, replacing it with a brand new wire that you soldered in to place with precision.

You put the drone back together and tested it. Now it drove forwards and backwards twice as fast as the standard issue drones. Similing, you put everything in a rucksack that you hoisted over your shoulder. You were about to leave when Meghan elbowed you in the side.

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