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NAME: Bel Skylark

HEIGHT: 1.81m/5ft11in

WEIGHT: 68.9kg/151lbs

AGE/P.O.B: 23, Dorney, England



Elizabeth "Artemis" Skylark was born into a wealthy crime family in the south of England, well-known for their dealings with likes of [REDACTED], a group of human-traffickers taken down by Rainbow's Specialist Luca and Specialist Bosak. She lived an ordinary life with her non-identical twin sister Grace Skylark, unaware of what her parents were doing was illegal, until her mother hanged herself at their home in Dorney when Elizabeth was only fourteen. Arguments with her father grew more and more heated until at the age of 16, with no qualifications and little money, the sisters fled the home to start anew in New Zealand, their mother's birthplace and their sanctuary.

Changing her name to Bel, Skylark graduated from a secret combat school at 17, looking to join the military when she and Grace were kidnapped by a local gang that would later join with terrorists to form the White Masks. Her sister escaped unscathed but Bel was trapped with almost no human contact for six months, sustaining three broken fingers and missing her left eye due to a broken bottle.

She was eventually accepted into the NZSAS, but left due to undisclosed personal issues, possibly her father's hospitalisation at the hands of knife crime. From then, she went rogue and half a year later, emerged as elite mercenary "Artemis", the most effective gun for hire in the world. She was given a home in the form of Private Bryce Harinui, a former member of the Seals who had returned to his home country after sustaining an injury. He recommended her to Specialist Castellano, who in turn, passed the singular page that was Skylark's file onto Six. Bel was accepted into Rainbow the following month.


"What can I say about Artemis that someone hasn't said already? She's cunning, brutal and emotionless: the perfect killer. Which is why I made her the perfect gadget; the RSK or Datablade. It's basic functionality is as a combat knife, but when activated it can turn the enemy's own tech against themselves. Pretty cool, right? However, during an argument in the development process, Artemis cut off my ring finger in a fit of rage: something that almost got her kicked out of the team.

"She is definitely a handful, but an essential asset to the effectiveness of Rainbow. I will try not to lose anymore fingers to her!"- Grace "Dokkaebi" Nam

"If you gave me the choice between a bunch of drunk blokes with shanks and Artemis in a bad mood, I'd take those bloody shanks any day."- James "Smoke" Porter

"I can bench press three men with my pinkie, run a half-marathon without breaking a sweat and drink a bottle of vodka in ten seconds, but I have yet to match that woman in the field of combat."- Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senview


"Bel intrigues me - her cold facade and tragic past spurs her determination to achieve incredible things. I think she is incredibly valuable to the future of this team.

"Like Nokk, Bel had a fiercely strong connection with her mother: she still wears her greenstone to remind herself. When asked about her sister Grace, Skylark completely blanked out and refused to answer anymore questions. I presume she is still living a quiet life in New Zealand. Her father on the other hand, was a ruthless kingpin of human-trafficking back in the day; I feel like Bel hates him for it, as she did not attend his funeral last month in Dorney.

"Her K/D in the simulations is unmatched by anyone in the organisation. Bel claims to have no weakness or Achille's heel, but I think her interest in the latest addition to Rainbow - (Y/N) "Stag" (L/N) - may cause her to takes risks she has not yet perceived as worth taking before. Yesterday, I saw her smile and make jokes with him, something that would have been completely unachievable a few weeks ago. I am every bit confident that (Y/N) will encourage her to do great things."- Harry


Operation Lugjin
Task 456-DFS
Operation Limelight
Operation Burnt Horizon
Operation Black Hole

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