The Huntress And The Stag

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"If given the choice between being nice and being kind, chose kind." - RJ Palicio

As Zofia actually helped you to drag your bags to the door, you questioned why they seemed so afraid of this person.

"Hey," whispered Zofia. "I'm sorry we met like that and," she sighed "and sorry for almost punching you. It was the wrong thing to do."

"Its fine," you said. "Why does ev-everyone hate Artemis?" Zofia looked at you as if you had said the stupidest thing in the world.

"The same reason you and I hate the White Masks," she said in a quiet voice.

"They're evil."

You hauled your final bag next to the door and mumbled, "I don't th-think that's a very nice thing to say."

Zofia simply shrugged. "If you don't make it to the morning, I'll pay my respects at your funeral." And with that, she walked back to her own dorm.

You took a deep breath and opened the door. What you saw surprised you.

There was no-one there.

You stepped into the wooden door frame and saw a nice but plain room. A TV, a few wardrobes, a bathroom. There was stuff on one of the beds but the other three where plain and lifeless. You dragged your bags through the door frame and next to the furthest away bed. As you unpacked you thought that maybe the other operators made up Artemis as a joke to scare the new recruits. It would make a lot of sense but something about it didn't feel right. Who would have gone into so much effort that they put their own stuff onto one of the beds? It seemed a bit too elaborate to be a prank.

As you put the last pair of socks into the dresser next to your bed, you decided to take a shower. You turned it on and let the warm water against your skin wash away the stress and tension in your mind. As you got out the shower you realised you forgot to bring a towel and ran across the dorm to get it from your bag, dripping water across the floor. You had that uneasy feeling, like someone was watching you. You put on your favourite pair of jeans, and you were about to put on a clean shirt when you heard a sound from the closet next to the bathroom. You opened it and saw...

A creepy doll missing half of its face, the remaining eye gone as well. It seemed to be staring directly into your soul. You didn't hesitate to pick up and quickly chuck it into the bin at the other side of the room.

Shirt in hand, you took out your Bluetooth speaker from your luggage and started playing Five Years Time by Noah & the Whale, humming the joyful tune. Halfway through, it stopped and then stared again.

But it was quieter.

You checked your phone. The volume was still the same. Walking over to the speaker, you saw a thin slit in the top. You picked it up and realised that...

It wasn't turned on.

You dropped the speaker and it fell with a thud to the ground, pieces of the plastic grill strewn around the main body of the device like a moat to a castle.

The music was still playing.

You carefully turned around and walked towards the wardrobe were the sound was coming from, the pace of your small steps a million times slower than your racing heartbeat. You gently reached for the door handle and slowly wrapped each of your fingers around it. However, before you could swing open the door, you heard a click and then the lights and music turned off, plunging the room into darkness.

As a sharp metal object was pressed against your throat a cold and a lifeless hand covered your mouth, a voice as smooth as silk told you, "Don't move."

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