The Stag Regrows His Horns

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You put the file down and looked at the clock. It was three in the morning and you had been reading the same three words in your head for the past few hours.

Name: Bel Skylark.

You looked down at your hands and saw they were shaking, even though the room was warm. Maybe it was the fact that she never told you her name. Maybe it was the truth that you'd never get to ask her why.

There was a knock on the hospital door. You told them to come in, surprised to see that it was Harry.

"How are you holding up (Y/N)?" he asked, putting his mug of tea down on the table near you as he turned the main lights on. He didn't seem to be tired at all, despite the time.

"I'm... I'm okay. Just a bit shaken," you replied, voice quivering slightly. "Why didn't-"

"When Bel first joined the organisation, she requested to have her name hidden," he explained whilst adjusting his glasses, "incase someone like Ela - who had been involved in the mission to take down her father's crime family - blabbered and she got singled out for it."

"Did Nokk ask for the same thing?"

Harry took a long sip of his tea. "Yes."

You nodded. Now, the old you would have just let the conversation end there, and then thought about it for the rest of the night. But you had changed, and so had your feelings for Bel.

"Now this may sound crazy sir, but I have a plan. A plan to retrieve your most valuable and effective asset. It involves me, the White Masks, a shit ton of guns, the entire US defence budget and a fried-egg sandwich. Actually, I don't want your approval, because I'll do it regardless.

"So as soon as I'm combat ready, I'll recruit two others and embark on possibly the most risky rescue operation ever concieved. Then, I will take said people and fit them with said shit ton of guns. Then, we storm the next place the White Masks attack, fuck their brain-holes, wait for Arte- I mean Bel to show up, convince her to come back to Rainbow, and we'll all be back in time for tea and that fried-egg sandwich."

Harry just smiled, shaking his head as he laughed.

"Would you like extra bacon with it?"


Knock. Knock.

It's funny how situations seem to repeat themselves, you thought. I'm getting extreme deja vu right now.

Knock. Knock.

The SAS dorm room door swung wide open very suddenly, revealing a scantily clad Ela with dark purple rings under her eyes.

"Is Mark there?" you asked, confused as to why she was bunking with her boyfriend. It was usually the other way round.


"Can I speak to him?"


You shifted, slightly uncomfortable with Ela's current choice of clothing. "If he's there, then I can talk to him!"

"I do not want you to talk to him." She tapped the doorframe intensly as she spoke. "And I don't think he wants to talk to you either, (Y/N)."

"I just want to tell Mark that I'm going on a trip, and that he's welcome to join me."

Ela smirked a maniacal and calculated kind of smirk. "He always talks about how irritating it is that you hung out with that thing when she was still alive, and that he would much prefer if you dated someone like Aria... Then maybe you could talk again."

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