Dawn On A Blood Red Sky

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"Ugh.." was the first word that came out of your mouth in the morning, as you opened your eyes, then closed them again.

"Rise and shine (Y/N)," spoke Artemis, poking you in the ribs gently. You didn't respond.

"Get up before I stab you until the floor is covered in your entrails."

"Alright, I'm up." You seriously couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

"Rise and shine? It's still dark outside!" you exclaimed as you pulled back the curtains to reveal pitch black outside.

"Yeah, well we have a mission," she replied. You only just noticed she had her combat uniform on. "So put a shirt on, for God's sake."

You desperately covered up the top half of your body with a nearby pillow whilst you searched for a t-shirt. "I don't remember taking my shirt off."

"You didn't remember a lot of things," she said mysteriously, making you gulp slightly as you tried to imagine what had happened last night that you could not recall.

The discussion continued as you moved towards the briefing room.

"Are you sure that nothing happened last night?"

"You fell asleep, got up in the middle of the night to piss, randomly took your shirt off, then went back to sleep," she mentioned calmly. Then Artemis noticed you were giving her a look, so she punched you on the left arm quite roughly. "Nothing like that happened!"

"I was just checking! I know you're not that kind of person," you defended yourself, rubbing your arm. "Some people do take advantage of others like that."

Artemis stopped walking and turned to you, fury written across her face. "Do you really think I would still be a part of this group if I did something so fucking disgusting?!"

"I-I wasn't saying you... Nevermind. I'm sorry for bringing it up. Just, let's not be at each other's throats going into this mission. Please."

She frowned thoughtfully, then sighed deeply. "Well, I shouldn't have reacted like that (Y/N). It was rude of me."

You smiled, thinking about how much the beauty before you had changed over the past week or two, from not hesitating to slit your throat for stepping in her room, to apologising and regretting her actions; looking to build a better future for herself and those around her. Which was more often than not, you, since most others still thought that she was an emotionless killing machine.

That's too bad, you thought. I think Artemis is probably the most interesting person I've ever met.


On paper, your mission was relatively simple - secured a container holding an unknown deadly chemical in a remote part of the French Alps, stop it from spreading outside the quarantine zone and then wait for extraction. But by the looks the other operators (Echo, Doc, and Ela, unfortunately) gave you it was not such a straightforward ordeal.

Artemis sat to your right, sapphire eyes focused intently on carving some sort of ornament out of a small oak log. You were amazed at how she managed to keep a steady hand, even through all the turbulence on the plane. Mark sat to your left, his gas mask perched on his head, whilst he chatted to the Polish woman opposite him. It was strange how different Ela acted around Mark. Kind, respectful, almost to a comedic point.

You tightly gripped the arms of the seat as another jolt of turbulence racked your body. It was safe to say you weren't the best when it came to planes.

"Ever seen Final Destination?" asked Artemis, not looking up from her carving in a question that was completely out of character for her.

"That's not funny," you said through gritted teeth. "Not everyone's made of steel like you."

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