Te Puia

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You opened your eyes, thinking what you heard was too good to be true, and that you believed what Zofia said earlier.

Artemis leant against the shattered glass balcony with painful elegance, her L96 propped up against an oak bench that was beside her. Shades of green and purple were scattered across her lower legs that turned more vibrant the further up her body you looked, turning blue on her arms and a dirty, disgusting red near her usually clean face, where the streaks of purple that once made her stand out had faded with age and lack of care.

She wore a raggedy crimson shirt that probably wasn't crimson to begin with and a black bomber jacket with tally marks on the right sleeve and a holster for her knife on the left. Her tights were torn quite a bit and she had a noticeably broken ankle because she wasn't wearing any shoes but her fringe still flopped lazily on her left eye and she still had that weird half-smile.

Frozen with a tsunami of emotions, you couldn't speak, you couldn't move.

Bel jumped down casually from her spot on the balcony and ran over to Zofia's body, limping slightly on the way. You knew that she knew she was dead, but you let her check for a pulse anyway.

Noticing Nokk was standing beside her, she stood up awkwardly and slowly hugging her like a distant relative. Nokk returned the gesture in an equally awkward manner, her veil making soft chinking noises as it rustled.

You wanted to ask her a million questions that all seemed just to slip away as you thought of them, but the lump in your throat made it impossible even if you didn't remember.

She turned around and faced you, staring into your soul with that piercing blue eye.

"I couldn't stay," she said after what seemed like an eternity. "I felt... Guilty for what happened. Just sitting around isn't going to help stop the White Masks."

"You could have died," you spoke hoarsely in a childlike voice.

"So? I could die at any minute, why should you care?"

"Because I care more about you than anyone else in the world. Just, please promise me no more secrets Bel."

A single tear dripped lonely down her face, making a skin-coloured line that ran through the dirt encrusted on her face. "N-no more secrets."

You walked up and placed a hand gently on her cheek, wiping away the lonesome tear that resided there. She put her right hand upon yours and ran her thumb across your knuckles similarly to when she did it all those months ago on the plane. Her left arm slowly wrapped around your lower back, causing electric blue sparks to accelerate your heartbeat. You both leaned in, so close to each other you could smell her faint breath. Eyes darting back and forth, you placed your stray hand on her body, fully connected.

The kiss was so sudden that you were sure if you had blinked you would have missed the start of it. Bel darted her lips into yours, guiding your head with her hand as you closed your eyes in pure bliss. The sparks weren't blue anymore: they were red hot, crackling and sizzling like bacon in a pan as they flew frantically around the building at lightning speed. You pulled away for air, but you had a feeling that she wanted more, that next time it would be a lot hotter.

You opened yours eyes to see Bel with the most beautiful, amazing smile plastered across her face.

"Scheiße, am I interrupting?" a German voice piped up in a cheeky tone. You looked over your shoulder and saw a pilot wearing jeans with some sort of device on his belt that kind of looked like a pancake press. "Sorry Stag, but the evac you called is here."

"G-great, but I didn't call an-"

"I did," interrupted Nokk. "I thought it was a sensible thing to get back up before we went in. You're late."

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