Crimson Twilight

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You froze, unable to speak, move or even breath as He lifted his boot of the ground. You could smell his stained breath from across the room as the White Mask trudged over to you.

"What a welcome surprise," He shouted theatrically. "First the renowned Artemis, now Mister (Y/N). And just when I thought this day couldn't get any better."

Artemis, who up to this point had some sort of gag in her mouth, spat it out and screamed some very bad words before saying, "You know him?"

He smiled that sinister smile you knew all too well. "Oh yes, at one point, (Y/N) and I were very close. Almost brotherly were the months we spent together."

"He tortured me and killed my squad mates, Artemis: for almost half a year He was the thing I feared the most." Your fingers were white from gripping your gun so tightly. "But I am not going to let the happen to anyone else!"

You had readied yourself to shoot him when He pulled out a Glock 18. The same Glock 18 that had belonged to your friend He had murdered. It was pointed at Artemis.

"Now let's not get too hasty here," the White Mask warbled, continuing his showman act. "Not all of us can leave this room alive. You decide, (Y/N), who lives and dies.

"Just drop the gun, and I'll let the lady go. Or you can shoot me, and I kill her."

Your grip loosened and the fear in your eyes changed to a more imminent acceptance. Artemis noticed this.

"Don't do it (Y/N)," she warned. "Just let me die. I'd rather be it here than on some sick old hospital bed."

He tutted. "Aww, how sweet. Y'know, this really warms my heart. You better hurry up though; you don't want to end up like Grace," He said, gesturing to the reeking corpse, the abismal smell almost turning the air a putrid crimson.

The evil man wandered over to the body, caressing it gently. "Shame. She was such a nice girl. Tight pussy, determined to keep her spirits up even when I eventually did start playing with her." He paused.

"I do hate it when my playthings break."

Artemis sobbed at this, her fringe bobbing up and down with each retch of her shoulders. It broke you heart.

"Well young man, time is up so you'd better pick. Or maybe I just shoot you both," he mused, a finger on his chin.

You inhaled.

You dropped your gun with no regard for safety, the metal colliding with the wooden floor making a horrendous banging noise that shook your bones.

You exhaled.

"Let her go. Then you shoot me."

Artemis' crying grew louder: it was the only sound other than the hiss of the the container for a few seconds.

"Well chosen!" the White Mask commented. "I may be a scumbag terrorist, but I am a man of my word so..."

He dragged her across the floor by her hair, causing grunts of pain to be mixed in with her sobs, then literally threw her out the door, closing it behind him. It was so unlike her to break down like that. Guess you would never know the reason why.

"Where were we? Oh that's right, I was going to kill you."

He pulled off his mask and looked at you with his perfect face. "I want you to look at me before you die (Y/N). I want you seeing my face to be the last image embedded in your pathetic fucking brain.

"Any last words?"

Time froze as he brought the Glock in his hand up to eye level. You stood still, a solemn bronze statue stranded in a sea of mahogany. You could hear a thousand voices, see a million people, taste your own blood that in a few moments was going to spill from your skull. Feeling the embrace of a chilling breeze, you closed your eyes. The sound of a single bullet, a lone slide racking back as the heat from the gun blasted you in the face.

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