Guns, Thorns And The Beautiful Rose

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The hug was short and awkward, but the thought was what counted, especially such a pure and kind one. It didn't help that the intricate green necklace that Artemis was wearing got caught in the brim of your shirt when you pulled away. She looked quite embarrassed when you asked her what it was.

"Now that's a long story for another time (Y/N)," she said, her face still slightly pink. You had no idea what kind of probably illegal shenanigans she was referring to, but you decided to listen to her and not mention it again.

"S-so," you stuttered. "How about I teach you how to, you know, be a little bit sociable," Artemis glared intensely at you, her eyes boring large holes into your face, "and you c-can teach how to shoot better."

She paused for a moment, presumably musing over her options before half-smiling again, this one brighter because her normally restricting bandana was loosely hanging from her sublime neck.

"6:45 am tomorrow. Don't be late," she spoke before pretty much shoving you out the dorm room door.

Great, you thought. So it's a date.

You collapsed onto the carpeted floor, realising that you technically still didn't have anywhere to stay. Even so, you felt like you finally had a place to call home; a strange home, but a home none the less. You reflected on the "family" you had in the SAS: just you, Mark goofing about and Seamus almost like a father to the two of you, always trying to make sure everyone was safe.

As if on cue, Seamus' round head popped out of the door. He looked around for a bit then gestured for you to come in. You tiptoed over to the door in an slightly exaggerated way.

Seamus put his finger to his lips before opening the door, revealing a snoring Mike "Thatcher" Baker lying on the floor, a balloon full of water poised inches from his nose and held up by thin string. Mark had his phone out and was recording as a particularly loud snore from the old man caused the string to snap and the balloon fall, almost in slow motion.

"Paulie you fat cunt!" he shouted, swinging his muscular arms as the balloon burst, covering his face with what looked and smelt like cheap vodka. "I'll sook yer bloody eye in! I'll fucking pipe your nan t... Oh."

Mark slowly put his phone back in his pocket and audibly gulped.

The situation began to dawn on Mike as his tired eyes darted from one SAS member to another. Mark put his phone back in his pocket and tried to look innocent. You slowly started backing out of the room just as the old man ferociously and unpredictably charged at the unprepared Mark, his body going slightly limp as you literally and metaphorically closed the door on the situation.

Sorry mate, you thought. I can't always bail you out, especially when you're against Mike.

You checked your watch and saw that it was five past nine. Time does fly when you have military training you mused, even more so when you're winning. But time passes even quicker when you're looking, no staring, at the most beaut...

"Hey segis - I mean (Y-Y/N)," slurred a similar yet possibly drunk Korean voice. You turned around to see Grace "Dokkaebi" Nam standing in her dorm holding a can of cider, several more empty and lying around the room.

Oh, and she was only wearing her underwear.


You instinctively turned around and asked her why she wasn't wearing any clothes. Her response was to clumsily lay two arms on your tense shoulders and roughly lick your neck in a seductive way.

Double yikes.

"G-grace," you stuttered, trying to keep both your dignity and your virginity in the safe zone for now, "you ar-are an attractive woman, b-but could you kindly refrain from licking my neck with my consent?"

You exhaled as she removed her hands from your shoulders, then inhaled sharply when she wrapped them around your waist and tugged on your belt.

Triple quadruple yikes.

Luckily, a much more sober Meghan came round the corner and forcefully ushered the drunken Grace back into her room before she could fulfill any more of her "intentions". You looked at your feet and managed to feebly smile at the sillyness of the whole affair.

Meghan, on the other hand, had a much wider grin on her face. "Now you owe me two favours kid."

You put your hands in your pockets and shrugged lazily. "Yeah," you murmured. "I guess I do."


You rubbed your swollen eyes and looked around your makeshift bed then sat up straight when you saw it was 6:43. That meant you only had two minutes until your lesson with Artemis. You rushed to get ready while a grumpy and tired Ela watched you in amusement.

"You really are an idiot (Y/N)," she spoke as she approached you in her signature green tank top and yoga pants. You ignored her.

Ela tightly grabbed your wrist and turned you to face her. "Why are you encouraging her?" she screamed.

"Let go of me!" you shouted back as you pulled your hand away, Ela's nails scraping some of the skin off the back of your hand.

Ela's face turned sour, then smug. "Fine (Y/N)," she schemed under her breath. "Do what you want." And with that she slammed the door behind her, flakes of paint echoing in her wake.

You were thinking about the smile that Ela gave you when your thoughts where interrupted by two loud knocks on the inside of Artemis' room. You looked back at your watch and saw it was 6:46. When she said quarter to seven, she really meant it, you thought.

Opening the door, you saw an unimpressed Artemis with a hand on her slim hip and an eyebrow raised.

"You're late," she stated matter-of-factly. "And I don't like it when people are late."

You gulped.

Author Note

Thought I'd spice things up this chapter, hope you liked it. I'm slowly starting to realise that I'm the most inconsistent person on Earth, but you guys keep me going with this shit, so thanks a bunch for that. And thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to look at my stupid story. If you want a much better fanfic read some siti9901 as his stories are the best on the site.

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