the proposal

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[ a/n: the plan was to wait until i had at least 3 more chapters out but here we are lol.
enjoy💘 ]

it was the morning of your 3 year anniversary.

you woke up to joseph kissing all over your face and shoulders.

" hello there. " you said with a small smile lifting his head to connect your lips.

" hi. happy anniversary, my love. " he whispered as he pulled away.

" happy anniversary, baby. " you replied, running your hands through his soft curls.

" so what's the schedule looking like for today? " you asked, resting your head on his chest.

" nothing much. we can make lunch here and just hang out for a bit. and i've got dinner covered. " he answered while he ran a hand up and down your back.

" sounds nice. " you said as you smiled into his chest.

" that reminds me. i have a gift for you! " he jumped off the bed and walked into his closet, coming back with a gift bag in hand.

" but we said no gifts! " you protested.

" I don't care what we said. i wanted to spoil you. " he flashed a smile and kissed you.

you opened the bag to find a long box.

once you saw what was inside the box you almost wanted to scream with excitement.

" oh my god! we're going to italy? " you asked your heart beating quicker with every second passing.

" surprise! " he laughed.

" thank you, thank you, thank you. " you thanked him pulling him in for a hug.

you pulled away with tears eyes.

" aw, sweetheart don't cry. " he laughed lightly.

" this has just always been a dream of mine and to do it with you is just going to make it 10 times better. " you smiled brightly.

" anything for you. " he replied placing a kiss on your cheek.

" well let's get packing! " you insisted, already on your way to your closet.

- last day in italy -

after taking hundreds of pictures, walking around for hours on end and checking many places off your bucket list, you had made it to your last night there.

it was getting to be almost 10 p.m. but you and joseph both felt like taking a walk to lake como.

which was in walking distance from your hotel and the last place you wanted to see before you left.

your hands were intertwined and your other hand was holding onto his arm as always.

" you've made this trip so special, baby. for the 70th time thank you. " you smiled.

" you're very welcome, sweetheart. " joseph replied.

you looked to the side and saw the  gorgeous lights on the lake and you stopped joseph to take a picture of it.

you had such a huge smile on your face.

this was officially the perfect moment.

after taking the photos you turned around to see joseph down on one knee.

" y/n, from that day at the table read to now i have fallen more and more in love with you every day. i swear you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. i love you with every inch of my heart. i can't wait any longer and i'm so ready to make you my wife. so with all that said. will you marry me? " he opened the box as you saw a beautiful diamond ring.

the tears were running down your face by now but you took a deep breath and said,
" absolutely i will. "

he stood up and wrapped his arms around you.

" i love you. " you whispered.

" i love you too. so much. " he replied.

you pulled away from the hug and wipes away your tears

he took the ring out of the small velvet box and slipped it on your ring finger.

" holy shit, we're getting married. " he said, excitement laced in his voice.

" hell yes we are! " you replied and pulled him in for a kiss.

" hell yes we are! " you replied and pulled him in for a kiss

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the ring <3

much love,
- morgan :)

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