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you slammed your textbook shut.

officially fed up with all the work you had to study today.

you knew studying law was a long and hard process but after almost 2 years it still didn't get any easier.

you walked out of your bedroom and into the kitchen to make yourself a quick coffee so that you could go back and attempt studying again.

your phone vibrated next to you and you heard the front door open meaning joseph was finally home.

you smiled to yourself ; you were so excited to see him after the long day you've had.

" hey, love. " he said as he entered the bedroom.

" hi, baby. how was your day? " you asked lifting your eyes from your books to look at him.

" very good, much better now that i'm here with you. how about yours? " he replied, kissing your cheek.

" it was alright i've just been studying. "

" how long have you been studying, love? " he asked as he ran his hands through your hair.

" since you left this morning. " you said breathing in a deep breath.

" dear god, y/n. that's almost 9 hours. you need to take a break. "

" no i can't i'll never finish memorizing everything. " you retreated.

" sweetheart listen to me please. you can't overwork yourself like this. it's not healthy.
i promise you you'll pass this test. you're the smartest damn person i know. now, i'm gonna run you a bath and get started on dinner. i don't want to hear anything else out of you. " he said and with that he pulled you into a hug.

" it'll all be okay, baby. " he kissed the side of your head and released you from the hug.

" what would i do without you. " you asked taking your hand in his.

" you'd never be able to survive without me, y/l/n. " he joked.

making you let out a laugh.

the two of you walked into the bathroom and you sat on the counter as he opened the tap to let the warm water flow into the bath.

he dropped in a bath bomb and lit your favorite scented candles and placed them around the tub.

he helped you undress and in an instant your body felt more relaxed as soon as you got into the warm water.

" are you gonna join me? " you asked looking in joseph's direction.

" gladly. " he smiled and took off his clothes.

he got in behind you and placed you in his lap with your head resting against his chest.

" you are my favorite person ever, joseph quinn. " you said as you felt him kissing your neck.

" and you are mine, y/n y/l/n. " he replied.

he took your loofah and dropped some shower gel on it as he calmly washed your body.

you smiled at this action.

he always loved to make sure you were taken care of.

you listened to the music playing softly in the background and took the time relax together.

after the bath you walked into the bedroom and got dressed into a t-shirt of joseph's and a pair of your own pajama bottoms.

after you were both dressed he went downstairs to make dinner, as promised.

you started to watch a movie and right before the end joseph brought you a plate of your favorite pasta.

" my favorite. thank you, joe. " you smiled as you took the bowl from him.

" it's my pleasure, my love. " he said, getting into bed next to you.

the two of you watched the new season of the umbrella academy and once you finished dinner you took your bowls downstairs.

you brushed your teeth, (well, you tried it was a bit impossible with joseph and his incredible dance moves) and got back into bed.

you rested your head on his chest as he played with your hair, which is now the only way you can fall asleep.

" goodnight, pretty girl. i love you. " he whispered as he softly kissed your head.

" goodnight, joe. i love you too. " you replied as you drifted off to sleep.

much love,
- morgan :)

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