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one year after the wedding you were finally pregnant fast forward to now, your due date was in a week and you both were beyond excited.

your hospital bag was packed and you of course made sure to pack the baby's first outift.

one small problem... joseph was still in paris for fashion week.

he hated that he had to leave you in new york and tried so hard not to go but his management insisted.

you just hoped and prayed that the baby wouldn't come any sooner.

at around 10 p.m. you got into bed and picked up your phone to facetime joseph.

even though it was around 6 a.m for him, he insisted you called him.

he picked up within seconds with a smile.

" there's my pretty girl. " he said, kissing the screen.

you let out a laugh and replied, " hey, hun. "

" how's my buddy doing in there? "

" he's good. he's just been kicking a bunch today. " you said looking down at your bump and placing a hand on it.

for the next hour you and joseph just caught up a bit.

suddenly you got this strange feeling and then you felt something running down your leg.

you looked down to see that the blanket was wet and you realised that your water broke.

" fuck. " you whispered.

and then you repeated it 3 more times getting louder each time.

" what's wrong? " joseph asked once he heard.

" so um my water kinda just broke. " you answered with slight panic.

" are u joking? " he asked as he got up and started pacing.

" nope. "

" oh my god. i don't care what anyone says i'm getting on a plane right now. "

" what if you get in trouble? " you asked as you grabbed your hospital bag and started to get dressed into other clothes.

" i couldn't give less of a fuck. " he replied, sarcastically.

" i'll see you soon, love. " you said smiling.

" just 8 more hours okay? " he said.

you nodded.

" i love you. " you both said at the same time and hung up the phone.

once you got to the hospital your doctor was waiting for you in your room and a nurse helped you get checked in and comfortable.

you were 1cm dialated by now so you were sort of relaxed.

to pass time you watched netflix.

by now 8 hours had past and then the contractions started.

they were really, really bad and you wished more than anything that joseph was there.

you got a epidural soon after that ; you were 7cm dialated.

just then your phone rang and you were relieved to see that it was joseph.

" hi, sweetheart. " you answered.

" hey, love. i'll be there in 45 minutes i just landed. " 

" sounds good. i'm 7cm dialated now so hopefully too much won't change before you get here. " you laughed.

he laughed too and blew you a kiss before he hung up.

another sharp contraction came on and the epidural luckily helped a lot.

your doctor came in to check on you again 30 minutes later and you were 9 cm dialated.

" you'll most likely need to start pushing in about 15 minutes. so be ready. " he gave you a reassuring smile as he left the room.

he was right.

not even 10 minutes later the room was filled with nurses with your doctor at the foot of the bed.

you were now panicking because joseph still wasn't here.

just when your doctor said it was time to start pushing the door flung open.

" i'm here. " he ran to your side and grabbed your hand.

" jesus christ, quinn. you are never allowed to leave again. " you said and let out a breath of relief.

he chuckled as he answered, " never again. " and kissed your forehead.

- skipping to after the birth -

" he's literally perfect. " you whispered.

" yes he is. " joseph replied looking at the small boy in your arms.

" you're so strong, my love. how the actual hell did you just push him out of him? " he joked.

" kinda didn't have a choice since you just had to stick your dick in me. " you replied your voice laced with sarcasm.

" oh please you wanted it and me. " he said as he nudged your arm.

" fair enough. " 

you kissed him and once you pulled away he gave you a loving hug.

" so have we decided on a name yet? " your nurse asked.

" we have. anthony connor quinn. " 

" it's beautiful. " she complimented and filled out a form.

you thanked her and took your attention back to the small boy in your arms.

joseph pulled out his phone and took a photo of the three of you's hand all stacked up to post.

joseph pulled out his phone and took a photo of the three of you's hand all stacked up to post

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@ josephquinn:  a tiny new member has been added to our family. @ y/n.quinn i love you so so much. ❤

[ a/n: the way i worked so hard on this😋 it's my longest chapter too so hoped you beautiful bunch loved it < 3 ]

much love,
morgan :)

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