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School ends and you know Eddie has Hellfire so you just catch the bus home. Wonder if the boys ever found a sub? When you arrive your dad is showering, getting ready to leave for work soon. He works at the plant with Eddie's uncle, which is nice because one of the main reasons you and Eddie became good friends is through your night time smoke sessions.
"Hey pumpkin!" your dad says as he exits the bathroom dressed in his work uniform.
"Hey dad." You smile at him.
"Uh hey I got some TV dinners in the freezer. You go ahead and make that for yourself later, ok?"
"Ok dad. I will. I'm going to go in my room and get my homework done." You grab your bag and start to head into the hall.
"Ok honey well I'm going to head out soon so I'll see you later. I love you."
"I love you too, dad." You close your door, turn on your stereo, and get started on your homework.
You must have dozed off at some point, because you wake up to brakes squeaking and muffled metal music. Eddie. It's dark outside, and by the time you reach a window to look out, all you see is Eddie closing the door to his trailer behind him. You head into the bathroom to look yourself over before heading over to Eddie's. You knock your secret knock so he knows it you and wait a few seconds. The door swings open to a grinning Eddie.
"Hey y/n!" He holds the door open and steps aside so you can come in.
"Hey Munson!" As you walk in you notice someone in a cheer uniform standing by the dining table. You didn't realize Eddie had company. And a cheerleader at that?
"Oh, sorry I didn't realize you had company here. I can come back later or tomorrow.."
"Oh no it's ok it's just Chrissy, I'm almost finished up!" Eddie smiles as he heads back into his bedroom. Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham? She turns and smiles at you while waving.
"Hi y/n."
"Uhh hi, Chrissy." This is weird. You sit down on the couch and wait for whatever exchange is happening to be over. Chrissy starts calling for Eddie while you flip through the tv seeing if anything good is on. The lights start to flicker and the tv turns to static.
"What the hell..?" You mutter to yourself. Just then Eddie approaches from his room.
"Peaceful bliss just moments away." He stops in his tracks.
"CHRISSY!?" Eddie sounds panicked. You whip around the couch and see Chrissy standing there, blinking and not moving.
"Eddie what the fuck!? Did she find something and take it!?" You stand up, anxiety kicking in.
"I-I-I don't know! I don't think so!"
"We have to call 911!" You yell as Eddie starts snapping at Chrissy to wake her up.
"Chrissy wake up! We don't like this! Hello!?"
"Chrissy please!" You start to move towards her when she suddenly flies up to the ceiling. You scream and Eddie grabs you falling backwards. You fall on top of him. Chrissy's limbs start to snap and her eyes are suddenly no more. You and Eddie scream.
"Y/n we HAVE to go!" Eddie stands you up, grabs your hand, and pulls you out of his trailer to his van. You both get in and he peels off. You look over at him, tears in your eyes and yell
"What the fuck was that!!?"
"I don't know!! I don't know!!" You're both breathing heavy and in a state of shock.
"Where are we going Eddie!?"
"Reefer Rick's."
"Your dealer's house!? Really Eddie!?"
"Well I don't know where else to go ok!? He's in jail, no one's there, and it's secluded!!" Eddie is flying and wailing his hands a lot while explaining it to you.
"Ok... I'm sorry I'm just really scared right now.." Eddie sighs and lowers his voice into a softer tone.
"I know y/n.. I am too.. and now it's my job to protect you.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell we'll figure this out, ok?" He glances over at you while lightly placing a hand on your thigh without thinking about it. You stare at his hand for a moment, and start to relax as best you can.
"Ok Eddie.."
You arrive at Reefer Rick's and get out of the van. You both start to walk over to a storage shed area. Eddie opens the door for you, and you walk inside. He closes it behind himself and sighs.
"It stinks in here." You say looking around. Eddie chuckles a bit.
"Yeah.. you're not wrong." You start to shiver partly because it's nighttime and chilly but also because your body is coming down off the adrenaline rush.
"You cold y/l/n?" Eddie asks sounding concerned.
"Um yeah a little bit." You wrap your arms around yourself.
"Here." Eddie says taking off his vest and leather jacket. He hands you the jacket and you gladly take it.
"Thank you." You smile while you put it on. It smells like cheap cologne, a hint of cigarettes, and a dash of weed. Otherwise known as perfection. Eddie slides down the wall and sits on the floor. You walk over and sit closely beside him.
"I'm tired." You say softly, the events catching up to you.
"You can lay your head on my shoulder if you want to y/n I don't mind. I know you're probably shot from what happened. Go ahead and rest I got you." You smile and set your head on Eddie's shoulder. Now you can smell his beautiful hair. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

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