My life got flipped, turned upside down.

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Night falls. You're all still following Dustin and that damn compass. The kid won't slow down either.
"Hey Dustin, would you slow down please? Dustin!" Eddie calls after him. Dustin almost runs himself into the lake before Eddie grabs him.
"Watch your step big guy."
"Oh you've got to be shitting me." Steve exhales out of breath.
"Lovers lake." Robin adds in.
"There's a gate.. here?" Max looks to Nancy.
"Well whenever the demogorgon attacked it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna is the same way?"
"Guess we're going out on the water?" Steve asks, sounding less than enthusiastic about it.
"We brought the boat over when we tipped." You walk over to where you and Eddie hid the boat.
"Eddie help me get it in the water." Steve starts to drag it out. They plop it into the water, kneeling down. Robin uses their heads to hoist herself into the boat. Eddie steps into it and helps Nancy in. You're next in line as Steve holds it steady. Eddie reaches out his hand for you. You glance up into his eyes as you take his hand. He flashes a smile at you and squeezes your hand before letting it go as you sit down. Dustin tries to get on and Eddie pushes him back, laughing a bit.
"Hey what are you trying to do sink us? It'll hold like,  4 people tops." 
"What the hell!? It's MY theory!" Dustin whines.
"It's better this way. You all stay here with Max." Nancy says sternly. Steve throws a back pack at Dustin before pushing off the shore and jumping in.
"Hey! You said 4!"
"Sorry!" Steve chuckles. Robin stands and waves to the kids.
"Bed times at nine kiddos!" You lean over Eddie to the edge of the boat.
"Miss you already!" You blow kisses. He laughs and smiles at you. He also is relishing in the fact that your body is so close to him. You sit back in your seat and the boys paddle out. The compass starts to go insane and Nancy tells them to stop. Dustin radios and Robin explains to him what's happening. Steve starts taking off his shoes and socks.
"Steve what are you doing?" Nancy asks.
"Someone has to go check it out. And since none of you were on the swim team or a certified life guard is going to be me ok?" He pulls off his shirt. You and Robin catch Nancy staring, and smile at each other. Eddie dumps out a plastic bag and wraps it around a flashlight.
"Good luck man." He grabs a cigarette and starts to light it.
"Ew. Gross." Robin grabs it and throws it. Eddie gives her a weird look, and you snort. You hurry and cover your face.
"Well that was adorable." Eddie says to you. Robin smiles. Seemed like all of her friends were in love.
"Hey.. be careful." Nancy says to Steve. He nods and jumps in. The boat shakes and Eddie grabs onto you to make sure you're ok. Nancy starts to time Steve. After what seems like an eternity, Steve finally pops out of the water. You all jump and gasp. You practically land in Eddie's lap.
"I found it!" Steve says. Robin radios to Dustin. None of you realize police are in the woods. Dustin turns off his walkie and the kids come up with a plan. They start running and yelling to lure the cops away. Something pulls Steve back into the water. You're all yelling and Nancy starts to head into the water.
"Nancy!" You yell.
"Wait here!" She dives in after Steve.
"What the hell was that man!?" Eddie's looking around the water. Robin follows soon after.
"She said wait! She's in charge!" Eddie yells at her.
"Are you kidding me!? I made that shit up." She falls back into the water. You start to lean towards the edge of the boat.
"No no no no no! You are NOT going in there y/n!" You look at him.
"I'm not!" You smirk and jump in.
"GOD DAMNIT LYING SON OF A BITCH! Oh this is stupid, this is so stupid! Shit shit shit shit shit!" Eddie falls in after you. Steve gets dragged through to the upside down. He stands up and realizes there's creatures coming towards him. He tries to fight them off but one wraps it's long tail around his neck, dragging him down and choking him. You pop through the gate shortly after Nancy and Robin. You wonder if Eddie will come behind you. Sure enough he comes through. He gets up and runs over to you.
"Hey you ok!?" He puts his hands on your arms.
"Yes Eddie I'm fine." Just then you all hear screams that sound like Steve. You all take off running in that direction. You were scared but with your friends, and Eddie you were ready to take on whatever was waiting for you.

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