One does not simply walk into Mordor..

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You wake up to the sound of birds chirping, and Eddie off in the distance. You sit up and look over in the direction of his voice. He's radioing to someone in the group. When he's finished he walks back to where you both spent the night. He noticed you're awake.
"Hey, good morning. How you feeling?"
"My back is killing me but I'm alright how about you?"
"Ha, yeah, dirt and rocks don't make the best mattress. But, I have to say, it might have been the best sleep I've had in awhile." He pulls some of his hair to his mouth and smiles shyly. You blush and smile, remembering Eddie holding you as you fell asleep last night.
"I found a construction site, and stole a walkie. I let the group know that we had to relocate. They're going to come meet us here." Eddie sits next to you.
"Ok. How are you holding up with everything?" Eddie takes a deep sigh before he answers.
"Well, you know, besides getting blamed and hunted for murder I'm great actually." He smiles at you. You chuckle and look over at him. Your eyes meet.
"Y/n..." Eddie says softly, while tucking hair behind your ear. You both stare for a moment before leaning in.
"- you little butthead!" You hear Steve's voice. You both jump back into your positions before your lips touch. The group pops out of the nearby bushes. Eddie stands up.
"I concur, you, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead." He smirks.
"Eddie! We thought you were a goner!" Dustin runs to hug Eddie.
"Yeah man, me too." You smile at the altercation between the boys. Eddie really is so sweet.
"So more bad news.." Nancy starts. "There's been another murder.. and they officially released Eddie as a suspect." Eddie's face drops. Your heart shatters.
"Jason also told the cops that he's holding you hostage y/n." Robin adds. Eddie's head snaps to you.
"What!? That's crazy! If I didn't want to be here I would go home! I'm staying with Eddie because I don't want him out here facing this alone." Eddie smiles slightly. Something in your words made his heart flutter.
"BOOM!" Dustin yells making you all jump. He goes on a tangent about how he was right and the compass was wrong because there's a gate nearby. He starts walking away expecting you all to follow.
"Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey, Eddie is still a wanted man, we can't just go for a hike in the woods!" Steve yells after Dustin.
"This compass might be the way to save Max and Eddie! What say you, Eddie the banished?" Dustin asks. You all looked towards him, awaiting an answer.
"I'd say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor.. which if I'm being totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But... the shire is burning.." Dustin starts jumping up and down excitedly, causing you to chuckle a bit.
"So Mordor it is." Eddie says very calm and collectively. He glances over at you.
"To Mordor!" You yell throwing your fist into the air and smiling at Eddie. Everyone starts to follow down the path.
"What is Mordor..?" Steve mutters to himself. Eddie is quiet while on the trail. You keep glancing over at him, but he is focused ahead. Steve notices all your glances, and smiles lightly to himself. You don't know what's coming up on your journey, but you're ready to be by Eddie's side, no matter what.

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