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*beep beep beep beep* your alarm sounds off signaling it's time to snap back into reality. You groan and slap your hand down to shut it off. You reluctantly swing your cover off and get up. You stretch and yawn while looking out your bedroom window. You catch sight of your neighbor, Eddie Munson. He notices you too and you both wave and smile at each other. Your bedroom windows face each other's, and quite often you catch glimpses of him strumming his guitar and listening to music alone in his room. You grab an outfit and head to the bathroom to get ready. As you walk down the small hallway you see your dad asleep in the recliner. Beer cans are scattered around him. You sigh, pick them up, and put a blanket over your dad. He was a good man who developed a bad habit after your mom had passed last year. He tried his best to hold it together for you two, but you know it's been hard on him. Trying to catch up on medical bills while still trying his best to provide for you. That's the reason why you guys had to leave your house and move to the trailer park. Sure the place was a dump, but you were also grateful to have met Eddie. You guys quickly became friends, which then led to you meeting the rest of the gang. They really helped you through that tough time. And having your dealer next door is rather convenient. You kiss his head and finally head into the bathroom. You finish getting ready and pop some toast into the toaster. You glance outside and see Eddie heading to his van. You only catch yourself staring when the toast pops up and scares the shit out of you. You hurry to spread butter on it, grab your bag, and head out the door. Desperately trying to get outside before Eddie leaves.
"Hey!" Eddie yells from inside his van.
"Hey!" You smile.
"You want a ride?"
"Oh absolutely!" You laugh slightly while smiling and head for his van. You open the door and hop your way in. Eddie chuckles lightly at you.
"Can't help it I'm short! Toast?" You extend a piece of your toast out to Eddie. He smiles, grabs it out of your hand, and takes a bite.
"Buckle up y/l/n" you rock out to Metallica the whole way to school and finally pull into the parking lot. Eddie parks, and gets out quickly coming over to your side and opening the door for you.
"Oh my gosh what a gentleman!" You say sarcastically while giggling.
"Yeah, well you know, I try." Eddie replies while shrugging and smirking.
"Thanks for the ride Munson. I'll catch you later, ok? Oh! Don't forget I'm stopping over later for a pickup!" You say as you start to walk away.
"How could I forget my favorite customer!?" Eddie yells back. You turn around briefly while walking backwards and stick out your tongue at him. Eddie just laughs and smiles to himself before heading to first period. Lunch time hits and you sit at your table with the hellfire club. Eddie is going on about an article saying dungeons and dragons is devil worship. He hops up on the table making a scene while you and the others just laugh. When he finally sits back down, you look over to see Mike and Dustin looking rather scared.
"Uh oh Munson I think you might have scared your little sheepies." you point to them as they make their way over, still looking uneasy. Eddie just smiles and watches them approach.
"Hi guys!" You say to them smiling.
"Oh, hey y/n." replies Dustin. Mike just waves. What's wrong with these two? Then they start explaining how they want Eddie to postpone the campaign tonight because Lucas has his balls in laundry baskets game. Oh. THAT'S what they're scared of. I don't blame them. Eddie takes D and D very seriously.
"POSTPONE!?" Eddie yells. Uh oh. Here we go. Eddie grabs the boys and gives them a whole spiel about how he refuses to postpone.
"Now all you have to do is go get your Bo Beeps on and FIND ONE!" He demands while pushing the boys away. Just then the bell rings and lunch is over. Eddie turns around and shakes his head while looking at you.
"Postpone? Those kids drive me crazy."
"Aww c'mon Eddie, you know you have a soft spot for them." You tease.
"Yeah, yeah." He replies grabbing his little black lunchbox.
"Walk me to class?" You ask grabbing your books.
"I would love to y/n, but I have a deal in the woods behind the school. I'm sorry." He sounds disappointed. You were a little too, if you're being honest.
"Oh, that's ok! Don't worry about it! Business is always important!"
"Hey, but I'll see you later right!? He perked up a bit and smiled.
"You definitely will! See you then Eddie!" You start to make your way through the cafeteria.
"See you y/n." Eddie says, then turns to head out the doors to the field behind the school.

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