Only love can hurt like this..

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*strong language, little bit of a make out*

Steve pulls into a field, and everyone files off the camper. Erica and Lucas start making spears, Nancy takes Max and makes a sawed off, Steve and Robin start making Molotov cocktails, Eddie and Dustin make spiked shields out of trash can lids, and then there's you. You grab a Louisville slugger you found in the camper and head over to Dustin and Eddie.
"Mind sharing some nails?" You ask as you crouch down.
"Go for it! You like our shields?" Dustin beams.
"Very nice." You chuckle as the two start to fight each other. You hammer the nails into the bat. You start the last one, as dark thoughts start to cloud your mind. You're not paying attention, and you smash your finger.
"SON OF A BITCH!" You yell out. Eddie comes running, and kneels in front of you.
"Shit, y/n are you ok!?" He takes your hand in his, and investigates it.
"I'm ok, just hurt like hell."
"Want me to kiss it better?" Eddie smirks playfully. You laugh and push him over.
"Yeah, right." You stand up and move away from the group. You start taking some practice swings. All those years in softball as a kid must have paid off because you had one hell of a swing. The sky starts to become dark as the sun sets. Everyone piles back into the camper, ready to execute the plan. The ride is quiet. Everyone looks around at each other. The pit in your stomach has grown. Erica, Max, and Lucas are the first to get off. They head to Victor Creel's house. The rest of you arrive at Eddie's trailer. You all take turns climbing into the upside down, and dropping supplies through. Steve, Nancy, and Robin are going to destroy Vecna. You, Eddie, and Dustin are going to distract the demobats. Just before the trio leaves Steve gives you all a lecture about not being heroes. He turns before Eddie calls to him. He turns back around and looks at Eddie
"Make him pay." Steve nods before they head out.
"Ok boys, you ready to get to work?" You hold up a hammer and a drill.
"Maybe Dustin and I should do this. I wouldn't want you to squash your hand again." Eddie walks towards you and grabs the hammer while smiling.
"Shut up Munson." You roll your eyes. You cover all the holes and entry ways into the trailer before closing yourselves inside. Eddie walks into his room and grabs his guitar. He walks back out to you and Dustin.
"Are you guys ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" You and Dustin smile at each other. The three of you head to the roof, and setup Eddie's amp.
"Ready?" You ask Eddie while holding the cord.
"Ready." He answers calmly. You plug in his guitar. He strums his guitar, and starts playing "Master of Puppets." By Metallica. You and Dustin start head banging. Eddie was really good, and you've never been so turned on in your life. The bats start to approach and Dustin does a countdown. Eddie is still shredding away.
"NOW! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Eddie plays the last note and you all jump down onto a truck. Eddie hurried to help you down, and you all run inside. Bats hit the gate as soon it's closed.
"Most. Metal. EVER!" Dustin yells. You all jump up and down and yell. The bats are squealing, and pounding on the trailer, so you guys stand back to back, weapons at the ready. Suddenly it goes quiet and Dustin starts to yell
"Dustin!" You yell.
"Is that really necessary!?" Eddie adds. You hear scratching from above.
"They're on the roof." Eddie points out. You all slowly walk to the other side of trailer. You realize there's a vent that was left uncovered.
"Shit.." you start to panic.
"They can't get in through there, can they?" Just as Dustin asks a bat breaks through. You scream, and Dustin and Eddie start stabbing at it with their spears. Eddie quickly moved to grab a chair, and pushes Dustin out of the way. You grab him, and hold him in your arms.
"MOVE, MOVE!" He climbs the chair and slams his shield to block the hole. You're all breathing heavy.
"Nice." Dustin says giving Eddie a high five. You share a worried look with Eddie.
"Are they any other vents?" You ask letting go of Dustin.
"Shit. SHIT!" Eddie heads to his room and you both follow behind. A swarm of bats burst through a vent in the floor. Eddie pushes you and Dustin back before slamming the door. You all walk backwards into the living room.
"That's not going to hold!" Dustin yells, as the bats scratch the door.
"Go, go!" You hand the sheets to Dustin. Eddie is facing the door incase they bust it down. Dustin starts to climb, and lands safely on the other side. Eddie turns to you, and you catch eyes.
"Quickly!" He yells. You start to climb.
"Y/n!" Eddie calls to you. You stop and he pulls the sheets to him. He crashes his lips to yours. You hang on tight with one hand while the other grabs Eddie's face. Your lips move fiercely, as if this will be the last time they ever touch. Your tongues battle for dominance for a brief moment, before Eddie pulls away. The bats squeal, and bang louder. You stare at Eddie for a second, panic washed over both of your faces. He glances at the door, then back to you.
"Go!" You nod and start to climb again. You land on the other side, and you and Dustin begin calling for Eddie. He looks up at you both, before cutting the sheets. He moves the mattress so no one would be tempted to come back after him.
"Eddie!?" You scream out.
"What are you doing!?" Dustin yells.
"Buying time." He looks into your eyes one more time before leaving.
"Eddieee!!" You scream out again. Tears start to fill yours and Dustin's eyes. You grab his shoulders.
"Listen to me! Do NOT under ANY circumstances come after me! Do you hear me!?"
"What.. y/n..?" He stutters.
"Y-yes." He answers. You grab a chair and move it close to the gate. You stand on the other side of the room and run. You jump onto the chair, and push off the back of it. You grab the ceiling, and hoist yourself up. You crash onto the floor in the upside down with a scream. Dustin yells up to you.
"Y/n!? Are you ok!?"
"I'm ok! Remember DO NOT COME AFTER ME." You get up and he tossed your bat down. You grab it and open the door. You reopened your leg wound, and screwed up your shoulder. You're trying to run and find any signs of Eddie.
"Eddie!?" You yell dragging your leg.
"Eddie!!??" As you get further from the trailer you see a body on the ground and bats swarming all around.
"EDDIE!!??" You let out a blood curdling scream as you try to pick up the pace. When you reach him he's gasping for air. His eyes widen at the sight of you.
"Y/n.." he says weakly.
"You didn't think I'd let your dumbass just go back into battle alone, did you?" You're smiling trying to fight off the tears in your eyes. You hear bats diving at you so you grab your weapon.
*hits bat*
"You're taking me to"
*hits bat*
"Prom. And I don't give a fuck"
*hits bat*
"About your damn societal bs"
*hits bat*
"You're dressing up"
*hits bat*
"And you're taking me to prom!"
*hits bat*
"Got it Munson!?"
*hits bat* suddenly the bats all fall to the ground, and the one wrapped around Eddie's throat let's go. You kneel down with a wince, and hold his face. His eyes are watering and he's panting.
"I said do you got it Munson?" You wipe his eyes. He nods before speaking.
"I don't think I'm going to make it y/n."
"Stop it. You are. Because you have to, you have to take me to prom, ok?" You're eyes get cloudier as you can feel Eddie getting weaker.
"Take care of Dustin for me, ok?"
"Eddie don't. You're going to do that yourself." He holds your hand.
"Nah, y/n. This is it for me." He looks into your eyes.
"I love you y/n." He chokes out between sobs.
"Eddie..." you cry harder.
"I love you too. You're not leaving me here in this god forsaken town." His eyes close.
"EDDIE!" You sit up and hook your arms under his. You start to drag him backwards towards the trailer. You're struggling between your leg and your shoulder. You're sobbing and straining as you speak.
"Don't you leave me here you son of a bitch. I won't let you. You're going to prom Eddie Munson whether you like it or not." You reach his trailer and pull one last time before falling backwards onto the floor. Eddie's head lands in your lap. He's pale and unconscious. You stare down at him, and more and more tears fall from your eyes. Dustin can hear your sobs, and he looks up to see you on the floor with Eddie.
"Y/n!" You look at Dustin.
"Eddie..." he says softly. You look down at Eddie again, continuing to cry. Steve, Nancy, and Robin return through the door and find you.
"Help.." is all you can say.
"Shit.." Steve moves towards you and kneels down. Dustin went to find some more sheets, and lucks out. He tied them together again and throws them to you guys.
"Climb up. I have an idea." He says. Steve, Nancy and Robin climb up. You tie a second set of sheets to the ones already hanging down. You tie one set around Eddie's waist, and the other around his chest.
"Are you sure this will work?" You ask looking up to Dustin.
"I'm not sure, but it's the best thing we've got." You climb up and collapse onto the mattress. Steve grabs hold of the sheets, and everyone lines up behind him, holding onto each other.
"Ok. So hopefully this will work like a pulley system." Dustin says, grabbing onto Steve.
"Ready?" Steve glances behind him.
"Ready." You all say collectively. He starts to pull, and you all join. Everyone is struggling and groaning. Eddie's body starts to lift.
"Keep going!" Dustin yells. You all bare down and pull as hard as you can. Eddie starts to come through the gate and Steve does his best to catch him so he wouldn't slam onto the mattress. He unties him and Robin runs to the phone to call 911. You sit down on the mattress, and hold Eddie stoking his hair. Sirens approach in the distance. Ambulances and police cars rush into the trailer park. Steve flags them down , and they rush inside. They grab Eddie from you, and you're crying once again. They load him into an ambulance and drive off before evaluating you. They walk you to a separate ambulance, and you start your ride to the hospital. You cry the whole time, your mind thinking of nothing but Eddie.

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