Pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side

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*mentions of drug use and some spicy alone time-smut*
*bit of a longer one as well 😅*

You wake up to the sun shining, and light snoring. Eddie's head is leaning against yours. It's peaceful for a moment before flashes of what happened last night enter your brain. You start to sit up slowly, trying not to disturb Eddie, and start looking around the place.
"Hey, you ok?" You hear a groggy Eddie ask.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
"Nah, it's ok I should probably get up and figure out what the hell we're going to do." He stands slowly and stretches. His hellfire shirt lifts just enough for you to see the beginning of his torso. You stare for a minute before snapping yourself out of it. What has gotten into you? Eddie has always been your friend. Sure, he's hot but you've never had thoughts or feelings this strong before. Is this the "shared trauma" thing Nancy told you about?
"I'm going to my van to grab the walkie and call Dustin. He always seems to come up with a plan when things go south. Hate to say it but the kids a genius." He chuckles softly. "You stay here, I'll be right back ok?"
"Ok, I'll be here!" You half smile. Eddie sounds so reassuring. You're starting to feel a little better after those flashbacks now. You believe in your heart that he will do everything he can to make you feel safe. Your smile broadens when you remember you're wearing his jacket. You stick your hands into the pockets and realize there's a few items in one of them. You pull them out and notice a lighter and a joint. Nice! I knew you'd come in handy Munson. "Ok, I told Dustin it was a code red and that they needed to get here asap, apparently they were already looking for us." Eddie says as he comes back into the shed. You turn around and hold up the lighter and joint while wiggling your eyebrows and laughing.
"Something to pass the time?" You giggle.
"Oh hell ya!" Eddie smiles and walks towards you.
You guys are sitting down taking turns hitting the joint. Out of nowhere you just start to giggle.
"Oh no, here she goes." Eddie rolls his eyes and smiles. Every time you guys smoke together you get the giggles, which then leads to Eddie catching them as well. You giggle harder.
"Hey, hey, hey!" You elbow him.
"Hey, stop, I'm right here, what!?" He laughs at you.
"Hey, tell them to bring snacks." You erupt into more giggles.
"Good idea!" He picks up the radio.
"Hey Dustin come in?" After a second the walkie speaks.
"Go for Dustin."
"Hey man.." you cling onto Eddie and you guys both start giggling.
"Shh, shh," Eddie laughs.
"Hey we're going to need some snacks.. we got the munchies dude!" You both erupt out laughing.
"Uhhh ok? I'll see what I can do. Over and out."
You two are leaning on each other giggling in unison.  The giggles slowly come to a stop and you are just smiling staring into Eddie's eyes. He's smiling and staring into yours as well. You somehow get the courage to lean forward and push your lips to his. Eddie's eyes widen before he closes them and puts his hands on either side of your cheeks. Your lips slowly start to move, and tongues start to touch. Eddie pulls you closer and closer until you're sitting in his lap facing him. Your lips leave his, and you brush his hair back before planting them onto his neck. Louder breaths start to leave his mouth.
"Y/n.. are you sure?" You bite softly causing the breaths to turn into a slight moan, and hands to grab your ass. You pull back for a moment before answering.
"I'm sure Eddie.. I promise." Your eyes meet each other's again.
"In that case." Eddie grabs your waist and moves you to where you're on your back, all while crashing his lips onto yours again. His hands slip under your shirt massaging your breasts through your bra, while your tongues fight for dominance. You can't tell who's winning and quite frankly you don't care. He starts tugging at the bottom of your shirt, and you sit up. He slides it over your head, and unhinges your bra. You feel your face get hot, and you look away.
"Y/n?" Eddie says softly. "Look at me." He places a finger under your chin, and turns your head back to him. He looks into your eyes.
"You're so beautiful. I've always thought that about you." You blush even harder and smile shyly.
"Thank you Eddie." He half smiles, half smirks and pulls his shirt off as well. You stare at his tattooed chest. Admiring his guitar pick necklace. He sits up off of you and starts fiddling with his belt, before undoing his button and unzipping his pants. You do the same. He stares down for a moment, fixated on your see through black lace panties.
"Are you still sure you want to do this?"
"Yes Eddie."
"Ok." He yanks off his boxers, letting his erection that's been rubbing on you for some time now, finally spring out. He loops his fingers into your panties and pulls them down gently. He leans down and kisses your thighs, while also leaving small bruises. He kisses up your legs, eventually reaching your clit. You've been breathing heavier, and making small noises up until now. Eddie sticks out his tongue and gives you one nice full lick. You gasp loudly and sharply. He looks up at you.
"Fuck y/n." He then comes up to your lips, shoving his tongue into your mouth and crashing his body into yours. He lines himself up, getting ready to penetrate into you.
"You ready?" He breathes.
"Yes.. please.."
He thrusts into you gently but deep. You let out a loud moan and wrap your legs around his waist. Your hands find his hair quickly. He starts thrusting at a regular pace. He places his face into the crook of your neck, and you can feel his hot breath on your skin. He is letting grunts and moans escape his lips, while also sucking and biting at your sweet spot. Not many words are exchanged between you two until he rises up and places your legs onto his shoulders.
"FUCK Eddie..!" He's thrusting at a harder pace now.
"You feel so good y/n." He's looking down at you. One hand makes it's way to play with your clit, and the other plays with your breasts, that bounce with each thrust in. His finger slides over your clit slow and steady while your bodies bang together.
"Oh fuck Eddie.." You feel it building up inside.
"I'm going to-"
"Cum for me y/n" he continues thrusting, becoming a little sloppy, but still hitting your spot. As the feeling builds more and more you're reduced to a moaning mess. Eddie is at this point too. Your sounds mix together. You tighten around him and throw your head back, letting out one last loud long moan.
"That's it... there you go.." Eddie is panting now. Your chest moves up and down with how heavy your breathing has gotten. You feel him twitch inside of you.
"Y/n I'm going to cum.." he pulls out, fully expecting to release himself onto your stomach. You hurry and lunge forward, taking him in your mouth. He lets out a surprised moan. You suck until he can't take it anymore, and finally let's it all out.
"Fuccckkkk!" He yells out as you swallow. You pull back, wipe your mouth, and smile up at him. You two get dressed and sit across from each other.
"Uhh so I wasn't expecting that." Eddie jokes awkwardly. You blush and smile.
"Yeah me neither."
"So what does that make u-" just as Eddie tries to finish his sentence Dustin, Nancy, Max, Steve, and Robin bust in.
You both jump, and glance at each other. Both understanding just how lucky you were to have finished your fun in time.

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