Mama, i'm in love with a criminal

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"JESUS CHRIST!" Eddie yells out.
"You scared us half to death!" You cross your arms, staring at the group.
"Sorry, guess we should've told you guys we were here before barging in." Steve says while scratching his head.
"Well we brought your snacks! And some news.." Nancy trails off looking down. Eddie walks over and grabs a box of honeycomb cereal, while you grab your favorite snack from the bags.
"News? What kind of news? Good or bad?" You ask while you open your food.
"Good and bad. Which do you want first?" Nancy asks.
"Bad news first. Always." Eddie says, shoving his face full of honeycomb.
"Ok well.. the police think Eddie killed Chrissy. But the good news is they haven't released his name yet." Nancy says, trying to sound positive. Your heart sinks. You look over to Eddie who's sliding down the wall with a blank stare.
"I was there. What if I go to the police and vouch for Eddie!?" You say desperately.
"They'll most likely just think you're an accomplice." Dustin makes a valid point.
"Nancy and I are going to try and get some more info on Vecna. Don't worry ok? Just lay low and we'll keep in touch." Robin grabs your shoulder trying to reassure you. You're looking down at Eddie, who has his head in his hands not saying anything.
"Hey..." Dustin walks closer, and starts studying you. You look at him with a weird expression on your face. Eddie picks his head up and watches him.
"You have hickeys. Why do you have hickeys?" He says, still studying you. Your face goes red and you avoid eye contact with Dustin. Eddie gets a laugh out of watching you squirm.
"Uhh, umm." You fidget with your fingers. You glance at Eddie silently begging for help. Dustin follows your gaze, and studies Eddie as well.
"Hey! So do you!"
"Alright, alright, Henderson leave them alone." Steve comes over and puts an arm around Dustin's shoulders, turning him around.
"Why would they both have hickeys?" He asks Steve.
"Well when two young people are alone.. sometimes things happen." Steve explains, walking Dustin to the door.
"Things? What kind of things exactly?"
"Damn your curious mind." Steve rolls his eyes.
"I'll tell you when you're older."
"Awww c'mon!" Dustin whines.
"Let's go! Move it!" Steve pushes him out the door, and looks back at you two.
"You owe me."
"Thank you!" You sigh in relief, as the group leaves. You look back at Eddie, who's smiling at you.
"What!?" You chuckle.
"It was just really funny to watch you squirm." He shrugs. "Maybe even a little cute." He smirks. Your face gets hot and you glance down, not meeting his eyes.
"Shut up.."
"Hey y/n.." Eddie says softly. You look at him again and answer.
"I'm really sorry you got dragged into this.. you don't deserve it." He puts his face into the palm of his hand.
"Eddie.." you walk over, and crouch in front of him.
"I knew that being your friend might mean I would eventually have to hide from the cops. Maybe not for "murder" but you know" You shrug and giggle slightly. Trying to make him smile.
"I'm not going anywhere ok? We'll figure this out, and I'll be with you every step of the way." You grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks up at you, and your eyes meet. You can see that tears were starting to swell in his. He didn't dare let them fall though.
"Thank you y/n you really are the best."
You two spend the rest of the afternoon eating the food the group brought you and brainstorming ideas to get Eddie off the hook. It was getting dark out here in the woods, and you were surprised you hadn't heard from the others yet. You were happy they had also brought some playing cards because you were currently kicking Eddie's ass in go fish.
"Got any 2's?" Eddie asked looking up from his hand. You smirk devilishly.
"No! No fucking way!" Eddie gets pissed.
"Go fish, Munson." Your smile gets bigger.
"This is bullshit." He rolls his eyes and grabs another card from the center pile. You laugh as you watch his hand grow and yours becoming smaller. You guys hear a car pull up and doors close. You both get down and crawl over to the window. Eddie peeks out and ducks down quickly.
"Is it Nancy and the group?" You whisper.
"No. It's Jason and some guys from the basketball team." He sounds worried and fumbles for the walkie. Your heart starts to race.
"Hey Dustin, Wheeler, anybody.. we got a problem." Eddie waits a few seconds before radioing again.
"Hellooo? We have a code red here!" He whisper yells into the walkie. The voices outside get louder and you peek your head up this time. You see the group getting closer to the shed. No one has answered the walkie yet.
"Uh Eddie I think we need to go." He looks over at you and can see the panic on your face.
"Ok. I have a plan. Help me with the boat." You two stay low and get the boat unhooked and ready to go. Eddie gets in and reaches out for your hand. You grab his and he pulls you in, before starting to paddle out. Right as the boat leaves the shed, you hear Jason and his boys bust in.
"What the hell!?" You hear Jason exclaim.
"That freak was definitely here!" Someone you believe to be Patrick yells. Just then they come around the side and spot you.
"HEY!" Jason screams. Eddie desperately tries to turn on the motor.
"Eddie hurry!" You cry as Jason and Patrick dive into the water.
"C'mon! You piece of shit! I really need you to help me out here!"
"Eddie I really don't think talking to it will help!"
"No? Ok!" He's still talking to the motor. He starts to paddle as fast as he can, but they're gaining on you. Suddenly Patrick stops, and Jason starts to call to him.
"C'mon we almost got him!" Patrick flies up into the air, and Eddie stops paddling the boat. You all watch on in horror as Patrick's limbs start to snap, and he meets the same fate as Chrissy. The shock sends the boat tipping a bit, throwing you and Eddie out into the water. Eddie pops up first and looks around panicked.
"Y/n!? Y/n!!?" You make your way to the surface popping out of the water.
"Oh thank god." You're both treading water, and Eddie swims closer to you and puts his hands on your cheeks briefly.
"You ok?"
"Yeah I'm ok. We should probably get out of here though."
"You're right. Let's go." You both hold onto the boat and swim it to the other side of the shore. Jason is still in shock from what he has witnessed. Eddie pulls the boat ashore, and grabs your hand helping you out. You both take off running into the woods.
"Eddie, what's the plan? Where are we going?" You're out of breath at this point. Eddie makes the decision to slow down figuring you're far enough away.
"Skull rock I guess? I think it's just up ahead." He's breathing heavy too. You arrive at skull rock and it is pitch black. You're freezing and shaking from being soaking wet, as you sit under the rock. Eddie finds a blanket that must have been left behind by a visiting couple.
"Here y/n use this to warm up."
"There better not be any jizz on this." You half joke as you wrap the blanket around yourself. Eddie chuckles as you lay yourself down on the hard ground. He stands awkwardly and shivers a bit himself.
"Uh yeah?"
"Do you, do you, um, maybe want to share the blanket?" You blush but it's too dark for him to see.
"Uh sure if you're ok with that." He shuffles his feet.
"Yeah, yeah, totally I don't want you to be cold."
Eddie smiles to himself, and gets on the ground. The blanket is small and barely covers him. You're laying on your side and Eddie is on his back.
"Maybe it'd be better if you got.. closer?"
"Ok.. yeah I can do that." Eddie flips on his side and slides closer to you. It's quiet for a few minutes before you grab his arm, and place it around yourself.
"Better?" You ask sleepily.
"Try to get some sleep Munson."
"You too y/l/n."
As you drift off to sleep your mind can't help but wonder: am I falling in love with Eddie Munson?

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