Chapter one. The wolf that has issues

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Neil was in the back of the spice shop working on something for Freddy, he was working in the back of the spice shop when he had heard the front door open along with hearing a familiar voice of his sisters. He stood there quietly listening to what was going on with Freddy and Adalind, he heard her ask about somethings that were for a spell but he wasn't sure what spell it was or what the spell was for but he had a feeling it wasn't a good one.

Neil soon walked out from behind the back area as he opened one of the doors, he looked at his sister as she looked at him while Freddy got her what she needed.

"Neil? I didn't know you were back in town and worked here

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"Neil? I didn't know you were back in town and worked here." Adalind said as she watched her brother walk out from behind one of the doors. "Yeah, I just got back about a week ago. Freddy let me be his assistant here at the shop." Neil mumbled obviously not to happy to see his sister.

Adalind mentioned to him that their mom would be happy to see him. "You know mom would be really happy to see you, you should go see her." Adalind said.
Neil sighed and clenched his jaw a bit, him and his mom didn't exactly get along to well. "I don't feel like seeing her yet. I'm still trying to get settled back into living here in Portland." He told Adalind, as he looked at the doorway and froze in his tracks when he heard the doorbell ring. As he then saw the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. He smiled shyly at her, as he watched her shyly smile back as she walked up to the counter which Freddy smiled softly at her.

as Freddy walked over to the counter with a brown bag with what she had asked for. "It's on the House." Freddy told Adalind with a smile, as Adalind walked out the door smiling and thanking Freddy but she did glance at her brother and the girl, before looking away smirking knowing something was up between Neil and the girl. As Adalind walked out the door, Freddy's main customer came in which was Monroe's sister whom had her hood up like normal.

"I take it Your here for your medication?" He asked Shadow, before getting it for her after she nodded her head. He sat it down on the counter while he told her the price of how much it was going to cost. "You really should be careful how long your suppress it, it's not good to do that all the time you have to let it happen every once in awhile." Freddy warned her about using suppressants.

Shadow paid for her medication before picking it up off the counter, as she rolled her eyes when Freddy told her that she shouldn't be using medication all the time for her wolf stuff. "You know I can't do that Freddy, I would but I don't have a mate and I can't exactly be around anyone or control myself when it's not suppressed.
Once and if I ever do find a mate I promise you, I will cut back on the medication but thanks for the medicine and your concern. I really do appreciate this though thank you." She said, as she looked over at the guy standing there before smiling at him again and walking way.

"Anytime Shadow, just don't over use it." Freddy told her as she walked away, before smiling as he looked over at Neil who looked at him confused as to why he was smiling. "Why are you smiling?" Neil asked him as he heard the door to the shop close, Freddy raised a eyebrow at him.

I saw the way you two were looking at each other, you look at her that way every time she comes in." Freddy said as he looked at his watch, before looking back up at Neil. "Why don't you go catch up with her, I don't think I need anymore help at the moment." Freddy told Neil.

Neil looked at Freddy and nodded his head lightly, before walking to the door as he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. He looked around to see if he saw the girl that had just walked out of the shop as he slipped his jacket on, and sure enough he saw her walking down the sidewalk. He started to run after her trying to catch up to her not knowing Freddy was going to get robbed and shot, while him and Shadow talked.

"Hey!" He shouted trying to get her attention as he ran, Shadow looked around as she heard someone yelling at her. She saw the blonde guy from the shop running over to her, she was confused but the wolf in her smiled as she fought back a small growl from how she was feeling due to her wolf issues she was having. Neil stopped running when he caught up with her, he looked at her while catching his breath before speaking. "Sorry for the late introduction, I'm Neil." Neil said.

Shadow looked at the guy who now had a name, after they both had seen each other at the shop many times before, but they never really spoke to each other or got a chance too until now. "It's okay, I'm Shadow." She said, as she glanced up at him since her hood had fallen a bit showing her glowing purple eyes to Neil whom thought she had beautiful eyes even if they were purple.

"Freddy told me, you are the sister of the blubod that came in the other day. I'm guessing you are something like him?" Neil asked quietly hinting at her eyes, he watched her eyes go wide as she quickly covered her face again not to hide her eyes. "Sorta, but I can't really explain it right now...I...I...I need to be getting back home before things get worse." Shadow said as she looked down, she needed to get back home before she changed into her wolf which was going to happen.

"I can take you home if you'd like, my car is just out front of the shop." Neil said, before watching her let out a growl and cover her hood covered ears which made him look confused but yet concerned. "You alright?" Neil asked her softly, as he watched her lift her head looking at where the spice shop was. "No, there's a ear piercing noise coming from the spice shop and it hurts my ears. It's very loud." Shadow said, not knowing it was the alarm triggered by Freddy.

Neil looked in the direction of the spice shop and got a worried look, before looking back at her as she looked up at him again with her glowing eyes as her hood stayed up this time. "Go check on him, I'll have my brother come get me." Shadow said to Neil.

Neil looked at Shadow knowing she needed to get home, but he also knew that he needed to go help Freddy if something was wrong. "Okay, Maybe I could take you out sometime?" He said, as he looked back at the shop and thought he saw two guys with guns running out which made him clench his jaw. "Maybe, I'd like that but you should really go check on Freddy." Shadow said, as she told Monroe to come get her. "Great, I will just be careful." Neil said, before running back to the spice shop to check on Freddy not knowing a cop was on its way over.

Monroe was on his way to get Shadow, he got there shortly after Neil had ran back to the spice shop. He pulled up and saw Shadow leaning against a wall, he quickly unbuckled and got out before rushing over to her. "We need to get you home before you turn." He told her, as he helped her get into the passenger seat before driving off home as quick as possible without speeding. Shadow was quiet as Monroe drove them both home, but she had this feeling that something was wrong and she could sense it.

Neil had made it back to the spice shop and quickly rushed inside, he looked and saw Freddy on the floor bleeding. He clenched his jaw as he checked Freddy's pulse and looked at the wound seeing a gunshot to the chest, he sighed and shook his head before hearing someone else entering the spice shop and he looked only to see a cop, he knew this wasn't good.

To be continued...........:

Neil Schade The beastWhere stories live. Discover now