Chapter 14. The plan part two.

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The vampire nodded his head. "It shall be done sir, I will make sure that she gets taken care of and is out of the way." He told Eric as he held his hurt arm still.

"Good. Let me know when it is done, that will give us more of a reason to go after the wolf. All we need to do now is set a trap with bait." Eric smirked, he knew just the bait to use but he'd have to wait til the moment of opportunity came for him to strike in order to capture the wolf.


Neil sighed and ran a hand through his hair, as he bit his lip thinking about what his sister had just told him. What was going to happen that he wasn't aware of, he wondered why that could be but for now he needed to protect shadow and keep her safe which was his job accept now it was his job because she was now his girlfriend?

Neil heard his phone ringing and looked to see who was calling him, he picked up once he saw that it was Meisner. "Yeah?" He said, as he took a sip of his drink. "We have a problem." Neil agreed that they had a problem, he sat down his cup and ran a hand through his hair. "Tell me about it. My sister just showed me a picture of shadow in wolf form and a strange girl with blonde hair." Neil told Meisner.

"The blonde girls name is Amelia. She's a vampire friend of Shadow's and one of our best agents. She helped Shadow escape to Portland to keep her safe. Your sister is getting to close to this. She can't find out about Shadow being the werewolf. If she does it could put both of you at risk. Just continue to keep her protected and keep me posted if anything happens. Kelly told me that you two are getting along and really close. I will try to keep them off yours and hers trail for as long as I can. Just be careful Neil." Meisner hung up after that.

"Her name sounds familiar. I'm trying to keep her from getting to close but that's my sister for ya. I will do my best to continue to keep her safe and I will let you know if anything happens." Neil went quiet after that and smiled to himself, at hearing what Kelly told Meisner about him and shadow being really close and are getting along. Thank you Meisner. Will do." Neil said, before sighing and rubbing a hand over his face not sure exactly what he was going to do to protect her.

"I should try to call her." Neil thought, before looking for her number in his phone and calling it. He frowned though and got a bit worried when she didn't answer him, he then bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair. "Come on shadow." Neil mumbled to himself, before hanging up and looking back over at the photos on the table.
He looked at the one of the blonde girl, then at the one of shadow in wolf form. He began to wonder why she wouldn't use her name, or even mention what her name was.

He looked at his phone when he saw that Shadow was calling him, he smiled and picked it up. "Hey." He heard her say. "Hey, you okay? You sound like your out of breath?" He asked her with concern.

"N-not exactly. I'm um...I'm at your front door, could you let me in.. please." Shadow said, slightly out of breath still from what had happened.

"Yeah, I'll let you in." Neil said, as he got up walking over to his front door and opening it. His eyes went wide as he quickly hung up the phone and saw a small wound on the side of her stomach, he saw that the blonde girl from the photo was helping her keep her balance by leaning against her. "What happened?" He asked with worry, as he quickly let them both inside before closing the door and going to get some supplies to help shadow with her wound.

"She was helping me fight off another vampire. You know....the next time Meisner gets the bright idea to send me to get info again, I'm going to tell him no". Amelia said, as she helped Shadow sit down on the couch carefully before pulling out the files of information that she had gotten.

"Normally he wouldn't send for information unless it was important." Neil told Amelia, as he walked over to Shadow and gently bent down by the couch. "May I?" He asked her, before pulling up her shirt gently to look at her wound. "It's not deep. So you won't need stitches, but you will need to keep it covered and rest here til it heals." Neil said, as he grabbed some alcohol to put on her wound. "This is gonna sting." He told her, as he gently poured some alcohol on the wound.

Shadow groaned and closed her eyes in pain at the stinging from the alcohol on her wound. She laid still with her fist clenched in pain, she then looked at Neil and watched him as he took care of her wound. "N-Neil.."... She had started to say as she started to feel dizzy and tired.

Neil Schade The beastWhere stories live. Discover now