Chapter three. Rosalie finds out that nicks a grimm and monroe has a problem.

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"Detectives Burkhardt, Griffin, this is Rosalee Calvert." Wu said as he walked into the room and lead Rosalie over to them, before walking away to let them talk to her.

"I'm sorry you had to come down here under these circumstances." Nick told Rosalie gently but yet kinda sadly after he stood up. "Please, sit down." Hank said as he went to get up. "Who killed him?" Rosalie asked Nick and......Hank. "We don't know yet. "What do you know?" Rosalie asked Hank.

"He was killed in an apparent robbery. Since no money was taken, we assume they were after something in the shop. He was able to set off the emergency alarm, so we don't know if they got what they were after. What do you know about your brother's business?" Nick asked her.

"He sold tea, spices, and herbs. Not very complicated. My brother didn't have any enemies that I know of. Is that your next question?" Rose said starting to sound a little upset.

"Do you know if your brother was dealing in anything illegal?" Nick looked at Rosalie. "No, I saw him once a year and I spoke to him mostly on the phone. I want to bury him. I want to close up his shop and and I wanna go home. So what do I have to do to get that done?" Rose said as her voice cracked a little bit.

"Lab reports are in." Hank said as he hung up the phone. "I'd like to go to the shop. Can I do that?" "Well, we are done with our investigation, but one of us will have to go with you until we know forensics are done." Nick said, before heading to the shop with her.

The doorbell jungles as Rosalie opened the door and walked in with Nick, she bent down on the floor staring at the carpet making a small sad noise as she woged. "We don't know if that's all your brothers blood. He might've taken a bite out of his killer." Nick said, which made Rosalie look at him and gasp as she got up woged back to normal and backed away from him. Nick sighed quietly, as he looked at Rosalie and held up his hands a little where she could see them.

"I didn't hurt your brother, and I'm not gonna hurt you." Nick started to walk towards Rose whom backed up. "Do you know anything about gallenblase? Human gallbladder." Nick said. "I know what it is." Rosalie said firmly yet softly.

"Did you know your brother was dealing?" Nick asked. "No." Rose replied as she stood there keeping her distance. "He was being supplied by Geiers." Is that who killed him?" Rose asked Nick. "That was my first thought. But I think whoever killed him was after something else." Nick leaned against a post in the shop.


"I was hoping you could tell me."

I have no idea what he has in here. But I'll look.

(Nicks cell phone rings)


"Went over the lab reports. We've got a big fat nothing. Just like the sign says... Herbs, spices, and teas. A few are poisonous, but none are illegal. You get anything?" Hank asked Nick.

"Not yet. I think the sister's clean. I'm coming back." Nick said as he hung up, before putting his phone away and pulling out a card. "If you can think of anything... Or if you need anything, just... Just call me." Nick said, before getting ready to walk out the door. "You're not at all what I expected." Rose spoke after a couple of seconds.


"If you find out anything..."

"I'll call you." Nick walked out the door, which made the doorbell jingle. Rosalie got a sad look after nick had left the shop and was about to cry, she didn't know what to do.

Monroe was at home making him and Shadow some food so she could take her suppressants, but he got worried when he heard her growling and whining. Shadow was in her room growling and whining as she laid on her bed in pain, her eyes were changed as was her teeth, she was having a hard time controlling her other side. Shadow never really had this much trouble, but this time her wolf cycle was really getting the better of her and her suppressants weren't going to work forever.

Shadow started to whine even more as her growling soon turned to snarling as she started to shift. "Not again." She said, as she started to turn into her giant black wolf which made her accidentally claw the bed sheets and the wall.

Monroe heard stuff shredding along with hearing a lot of growling, he shut off the stove and had finished setting the table before going to see what was going on. He opened the door to see Shadow in her giant black wolf form growling at him, he sighed softly and shook his head this wasn't the first time this has happened. "Shadow listen to me, I know your wolf thing is driving you crazy and I'm sorry the suppressants aren't working as they used. But you have to calm down okay?" He told her gently, before trying to feel her head to see if she had a fever but he pulled his hand back when she snapped her jaw at him. "Okay, that's definitely not normal nor is that okay." He said. "I think I'm going to need some help."

 Shadow snapped her jaw at him showing her teeth, she really wasn't in a happy mood and was really not going to listen to her brother

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Shadow snapped her jaw at him showing her teeth, she really wasn't in a happy mood and was really not going to listen to her brother. Shadow was now fully in wolf mode and wasn't in control of herself, she also was thinking about someone that made her even more miserable knowing he probably wouldn't like her back or so she thought....

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