Chapter 13. The plan

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Sean's brother smirked once he was told about the lead by being handed a photo of a girl that was kinda curvy with wide hips next to a taller blonde guy. "This is quite a lead indeed." He said.

Shadow made it to Amelia's place and immediately rushed inside after parking her car and hopping out. She walked through the barley closed door and heard arguing, she listened to the arguing and fighting. "I don't care if we're not supposed to be friends. She's my best friend and I will do what I have to, to protect her." She heard Amelia say, before she heard Amelia being thrown into something and it breaking. "I don't care if she's your friend or not. It's forbidden to be friends with a lycan! She's a werewolf for crying out loud! She can't be trusted! That's why you were supposed to help us catch her!

The royals want her and anyone who stands in their way will be dealt with. I don't want anything to happen to you Amelia, but you made your choice when you decided to help her and join the resistance. I'm sorry but you left me no choice." Shadow stepped out from behind the wall when she heard a weapon being pulled out. "No!" She yelled, before growling as she shifted into her wolf form and jumped in front of Amelia.

The guy growled as the wolf jumped in front of Amelia when he was going to stab/kill her with a sword. "You stupid wolf! Get out of my way!" The guy yelled at the wolf, trying to swing the sword at her before getting his arm bit and dropping the sword with a hiss. "You stupid brat!" He yelled at the wolf, before pulling out a knife but he got that knocked out of his hands as he fell to the ground after being tackled. He looked to where Amelia was after the wolf let him up.

Amelia got up and walked over to him. "I hurt nobody especially not my best friend. She might be a werewolf, but she is loyal and respectful unlike you. Tell your fancy Royals what you want, but they will not use me to get what they want. Take this back to them too." She tossed him the purple vial that was the same color as Shadows wolf eyes. "I no longer work for or with them. If they come for me, I don't care because I have friends to back me up."

"You just made a terrible mistake Amelia, they will kill you both. Including your mate." He hissed at the wolf, before looking back at Amelia as he got up holding his hand close to his chest with the vial in it. "They will come for you both and everyone you love. The royals always get what they want." He said, as he then zipped out the house and out the door. Before calling one of the people at the Royals castle to tell Eric what he had found out.

"My father is going to be well pleased with this news. I knows he's always been rather found of Hexion beasts. Hopefully in a few months time, we will have more of a reason to go after them." Eric took a sip of his drink, as he looked out the window of his room. "Sir Wesley has returned." The butler said. "Send him in." Eric said as he continued to sip his drink.

Eric heard Wesley walk in as the doors were closed behind him. "I take it out little spy said no?" He asked him. "Such a shame, she was one of our best fighters."

"She's working with the same instead of against, she said that she refused to hurt anyone especially that retched wolf girl." Wesley said with quite the anger in his tone, he watched as Eric turned around to face him. "She sent you back this vial. She never used it." Wesley said.

Eric continued to sip his drink before putting it down. "That's because her task wasn't just to go after the wolf. She refused to hurt the wolves mate. The vial isn't like the other one that they have. This one was built to hurt him to give us advantage on getting the wolf. Now it will take us even longer to capture her thanks to Amelia. Which is why I'm putting you on getting the job done. This time no mistakes are to be made and the job is to be finished. Are we clear?" Eric asked Wesley as he walked over to him to grab the vial.

"Crystal clear sir. What about Amelia?" Wesley asked Eric, as he watched him pour himself another drink. "Take her out of the way. There will be a time when the wolf will be to busy to protect her friend, she now has a mate to protect after all."

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