Chapter 7. The mystery wolf and nightshade

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Neil nodded his head lightly as he took the cup of tea that his mom had made, he was thinking about Shadow and how he was going to tell him mom about her because he didn't know shadow's real name only the one that he knew her by.

"I do, she's a very nice girl and I would like to settle down eventually with a family of my own. It's just not that easily finding the right girl, when people are afraid of you or just want someone to sleep with. It- it just isn't me, I don't want to be used like that or have people be scared of me the rest of their lives." Neil didn't like what he was at all, he didn't have anyone that understood him apart from the few friends that he had like Rosalie and Kelly. "I'm sure she'd like to meet you too."

Neil had quit looking for the right person for him though after he had so many people just wanting to use him to sleep with him or for other things, or him being a weson secretly scared people because he was so quiet and kept to himself.

That was until he had met Shadow, she turned his whole perspective and his world upside down. She helped him see the beauty in trusting someone and caring for someone, to him she was a very special girl and could be the one for him that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. But he hadn't showed her his side yet because he didn't want to terrify her or scare her off even though she knew of what he was and wasn't scared of him.

"I'm sure you will find someone to accept you for who you are, from what adalind has told me I think this girl could be the one for you. I'd like to meet her and get to know her, before any thing gets serious between the two of you, but I know that can't control that since you are a grown adult capable of making your own choices.

I just don't want to see you get hurt, I trust what adalind has told me about this girl, she could be the one to accept you for who you are but first you'd have to tell her. I actually have something to give show you from Sean." Catherine told her son as she took a sip of her tea, and pulling out a vial and a photo of a wolf that looked exactly like Shadow's with purple eyes.

Neil went quiet as he saw the photo not sure what exactly to say, he took the photo from his mom and looked at it as he studied it

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Neil went quiet as he saw the photo not sure what exactly to say, he took the photo from his mom and looked at it as he studied it. He could tell that the wolf definitely was Shadow, he recognized every detail that the wolf had that he remembered her having when he saw her wolf form before.

"Sean told me about it a couple of cases ago, where they found a couple of their victims shredded and marked up, he wants the wolf tracked down and brought to him alive. He wants to talk to them, I tried to ask him why but he wouldn't tell me so I figured you'd be able to help him and get some information from him about the wolf.

Adalind thinks that the wolf is being protected by Sean and the Grimm, I need you to find out what the Grimm knows about the wolf." Catherine said, as she watched her son and knew something was up since he was sitting there looking at the photo being quiet.

Neil sighed quietly, not really wanting to find out what the Grimm new about Shadow

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Neil sighed quietly, not really wanting to find out what the Grimm new about Shadow. He wasn't like his mom or sister, he was far from that but it still didn't stop them both from pushing it onto him.
But he didn't want to betray Shadow especially not like this, he really cared for her and wanted to keep her safe. "I don't think the Grimm would tell me what he knows, but I can try." Neil told his mom as he looked over at her, he wanted to know why she was interested in finding what Nick knew about the wolf and as to why she wanted to know so badly.

"I should probably get going, I have to be at work soon." Neil added, as he sat the photo down on the coffee table and took a sip of his tea, before standing up and getting ready to walk out the door but he was stopped by his mom as she got up wanting to give him something before he left.

"I want you to take this, there's a note on it that says what it is. Your sister wouldn't tell me what exactly it is, but it might have something to do with the connection between the wolf and the Grimm. I however do hope that I get to meet that girl you like." She added as she took a sip of her tea after she gave Neil the vial.

Neil listened and took the vial along with the note when she handed it to him. "Me too." He said, before putting the vial along with the note in his pocket and heading out the door.

He looked over at his passenger seat and saw a note, he got a bit confused as he picked it up and read it wondering how it got in there.

"We need to talk, meet me at the place." The note read. "I see that you and your mother are on speaking terms again." He heard a woman say, as he looked in his rear view mirror to see a woman in a black jacket with a sweater type hood up hiding her face. "How'd you get in?" He asked her avoiding the question, as he wondered how she got into his car without his mom noticing and without making the car alarm go off.

The woman took off her hood off to reveal Kelly Nick's mother, whom looked at Neil knowing why The Resistance had sent Neil to Portland. "I broke in, Mysner wants to speak with you. I take it your mother had the vial?" She asked Neil, before taking it from him gently when he gave it to her as she then put it in her pocket and read the note.

"I guess this is what they are planning on using on her, it's nightshade." She told Neil, as she gave him the note to read before thinking about why they would want to use nightshade unless someone was trying to frame shadow in order to track her down and to find her to inject her with it.

Neil watched as Kelly pulled her hood down from the rear view mirror, before his expression grew to one to worry and concern along with anger. "Let me see it." He said as he took the note from Kelly gently and read it, before clenching his jaw knowing how dangerous this stuff was especially to a werewolf but he wanted to know why someone wanted to poison her with nightshade a deadly poison.

"We need to figure out why someone wants to poison her with nightshade, before she gets hurt or worse." Neil said, before sighing quietly as he thought about the cop who was a Grimm. "Your son needs to know that your alive Kells, a cop a saw me at the shop the other night when Freddy was murdered.

Their gonna think I had something to do with it, you need to be careful Kelly especially if my mother is involved with this." Neil told his friend, before driving to the place Mysner wanted to meet him at which was his house.

"Not yet, he's not ready to know yet. I will tell him once this case is dealt with, until then you are the one that needs to be careful. I can see how much you care about her, but if your not careful both of you could get hurt." Kelly told him.


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