Chapter 8

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When Erin was staring at her old unit who was waiting for answers. She couldn't bare to say it in front of her old Best friends, her own father figure, and most importantly her ex-boyfriend. So she stood their and took a long deep breath but before she could speak Hailey said..

" come on Agent Lindsay we don't have all day." She said as Jay shook his head as agreement
" Yeah Erin she's right If you don't-." Jay was cut off

" Ok ok I'll tell you, The reason why I left is because I was myself and I would of told you guys that but you guys probably wouldn't even care so after work I went home and pack when the next morning came I left to new York and by two months later I got pregnant with a daughter and a son so I got pregnant two times." Erin explained

" that's impossible but go on." Adam said

" And than when Three months later arrived I knew that I couldn't watch them all by myself so I packed up my stuff and the twins stuff and flew all the way back to Chicago to surprise you guys and Jay but I can already see that he already has a kid." Erin said as she rolled her eyes after she said the last sentence

" What's wrong with Hailey and Jay having a kid?" Hank asks
" It sucks." Erin said and Hailey was heartbroken
" don't say that about my niece." Kim said
" excuse me your saying that Jay and Hailey's kid is your guys niece?" Erin asked
" Yes she is and she is adorable." Kevin said making Jay and Hailey smile
" how adorable?" Erin asks
" oh more adorable than your daughter of course." Jay said
" She's your daughter too." Erin said
" Enough." Hailey said as she started crying and walked into the locker room
" What did I do?" Erin asked
" Everything." Everyone said at the same time
" Jay and Kim go make sure that Hailey's ok, Kevin and Adam go make sure that Lacie's ok." Hank said as they all split up leaving Trudy, Him, and Erin standing their

( In the locker room)

As Hailey ran into the locker room she sat down on the bench and started crying but not until Kim & Jay walked in two seconds later they went over to hug her to try and calm her down. Over about an hour she finally stopped crying & Hailey looked up at Jay as she said..

" Is this true Jay?" Hailey asked as Kim also looked up at him
" No I don't even know what's she's talking about to be honest." Jay said
" Yeah I agree with him Hailey Erin's lying and you can't be believing her about what she's saying." Kim explained to her
" I know but she's always getting on my nerves sometimes." She said
" mine too, but don't worry well be by your side and even Adam & Kevin." Jay said
" by the way where are those guys?" Kim asks
" I think Hank told them to check up on Lacie." Hailey said
" Are you ok to go out or your going to stay in not to rush or anything." Jay said
" I think I'm ok to go out I wanna see Lacie anyway." Hailey said as they got up and walked out of the locker room
" Just to remember I will always love you hails." Jay said
" aww I will, and I will always love you too Halstead." Hailey said

( Out of the locker room)

" Uncle Adam, where's mama?" Lacie asks as she was sitting on Kevin's desk
" She should be coming out soon." Adam said as Hank and Erin walked back out from his office
" I said no you can't stay here." Hank said
" but this was my job." Erin said
" yes it was but it's not anymore." Hank said as Hailey, Kim, and Jay came out of the locker room making Lacie looked up at her parents
" Mommy! Daddy." Lacie said and Erin turned around looking shocked
" Hey baby I missed you." Hailey said as she hugged her daughter
" hey princess, umm Hank if you don't mind me and Hailey going home?" Jay asks
" no not at all, actually everyone except for Erin can go home." Hank said
" thank you sarge." Everyone said as they walked downstairs
" Sergeant." Erin said
" you got some more explained to do miss." Hank said as they walked back out of his office
" no you got some explained to do with Hailey and Jay about their daughter." Erin said
" well talk about that later." Hank said as she rolled her eyes

Back at Hailey and Jay's

" goodnight my little angel." Hailey said
" goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy." Lacie said as her father smiled and gave a kiss on her forehead
" Goodnight princess see you in the morning we love you." Jay said
" I love you guys too." Lacie said and they smiled as they closed her bedroom door and they walked too their own room that's a cross from Lacie's room
" Hugh today was exhausting." Hailey said as she and Jay got in bed
" yeh it sure was with the stupid Erin thing." Jay said as Hailey putted her head into his bare chest after he took off his shirt
" Jay I love you so much." She said
" I love you more Hailey, get some sleep beautiful." Jay said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep not after Jay had did...

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