chapter 3

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"He's after me Hina..."

"Y/n what do you mean he's after you?!" Hina asked panicking "I can't tell you now trust me please..." Hina just nodded and wrapped her arms around Y/n pulling her into her chest while stroking her hair. These where the moments both Y/n and Hina missed after being part these past two months.
"Y/n love its time to wake up" Hina whispered into her lovers ear in hopes of finally getting the H/c girl up. To her luck it actually worked! 'well that's a first' Hina deadpaned "No" Y/n huffed stuffing her face deeper into the others chest trying to hide from the next day that always seems to come no matter how much she wants it to go away.

Hina giggled at Y/n attitude that over the years she's grown to know and love. It's funny to think about two years ago they where practically strangers living under the same roof and now they are practically inseparable. The two months away from eachothers took a huge emotional toll on the both of them. Hina struggled with insomnia from the lack of weight she was so used to feeling in order for her to sleep at night and Y/n suffered from extreme separation anxiety.

After about 20 minutes Hina was finally able to get Y/n up out of bed they started getting ready for the day; of course with Y/n's mumbles of protest something about having to be alive to see another day once again. Earning herself a concerned gaze in the process not that Y/n noticed it.

After they both got fully ready to start the day they checked out and headed out into town since Sunset floral was closed today. "Where do you wanna go to fist okusan" Hina asked watching Y/n's face explode in a red that could put rengoku's flames to shame. Y/n said nothing as she grabbed her hand leading her to the flower stall looking for some new seeds to grow in her garden both at home and in her shops personal garden.

After about an hour or so they finally decided on getting some replete daffodil and some sunburst picotee begonia seeds to grow and breed so they don't have to buy more. They went to a few more stalls getting things they do and don't need but overall enjoying basking in eachothers presence.

"Y/n you didn't need to trip that man" Hina whispered trying not to let the now pissed off man hear her. " he deserved it." "All he did was ask you a question" "And? It just so happed that his foot very violently hut my crutch causing him to fall" Y/n stated like it was an everyday event for her which it probably was.
"My love?" Hina asked deciding that this was the best time to ask since it was only the two of them. "Yes Hina?" Y/n answered oblivious on what's to come next. "Well, when me, Suma, Makio, and Tengen-sama came home and you where no where to be found. I searched the house looking for you but when I told the others they said they thought it was something important and that you did something."

Pain, confusion, sorrow. Those feelings hit Y/n like a train as soon as those words left Hina's lips causing Y/n to stop in her tracks. "What?" Was all that was able of leave her mouth as thoughts swirled in her head like a hurricane destroying everything in the path. "What did I ever do to them?" She thought out loud to caught up in her own thoughts to understand what Hina was saying anymore.

"I don't know what I did" Y/n mumbled out trying to recall anything she could've done wrong to upset her spouses only to fall short of an answer. Hina seeing that Y/n wasn't lying and was genuinely confused decided to back down and walk in silence for the rest of the way home.


"I'M HOME!" Hiba yelled slipping off her shoes and taking off Y/n's "Welcome ho- oh I see you brought her with you" Makio said distastefully eying Y/n up and down. Y/n who has never been one to control their temper couldn't help but to hiss out "What's that supposed to mean?" Now that sent Makio over the edge.

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