chapter 14

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Previously.... 'Just give me this chance to prove it..... Let me prove that I can give you what he couldn't- no wouldn't. Let me have the chance to finally win your heart."


    The night was going.... well, it was going good but not in the direction Rengoku was hoping for. It was more catching up and friendly banter with a few pick-up lines here and there. After a couple hours of chatting, the two decided that they should be getting back before it was too late. Walking to the front of the building to wait for Rengoku, who was paying the bill; she was lost in thought thinking about the kids she was returning to. Unluckily for her, when she zones out, she tends to make anyone who gets to close an assault victim; and this time was no different.

     Hearing a "Thump!" Sound Y/n finally looked up, ready to apologize to the person she whacked with her crutch only to make eye contact with an oh so familiar pair of fuchsia ones. Realizing the person she whacked was Tengen, she quickly took her eyes off the man to see if the other three were here as well. Sure enough, she saw three more sets of eyes she could recognize from anywhere. Wanting to just leave Y/n quickly bit out a half apology before trying to leave. Key word.... trying.

       "Uzui-San, get your hands off of me." Y/n sneered, glaring at the hand that had the audacity to grab her. "So you're gonna leave without actually giving an apology?" The  asshol- I mean tengen asked, tilting his head to the side."I didn't realize that cheating would change your manners as well, " Tengen hissed, letting his grip tightening slightly around Y/n's wrist. "Ummm, Tengen-sama, maybe here isn't the right place for this. Maybe we should take it outside." Hina calmly stated before shooing everyone outside. Normally, Hina wouldn't encourage this type of behavior, but doesn't wanted.... no needed answers on why Y/n did what she did.

    Y/n on the other hand did not want to take whatever this was outside! She wanted to take her ass home! She wanted to cuddle with her babies not deal with people exclaiming that she was cheating! "Wait... cheating?" Y/n thought out loud when the five made there way outside. "What do you mean by cheating?!" "Oh don't act innocent Y/n you know what I'm talking about!" Tengen yelled feeling a vein in his neck pop out "You slept with Sanemi for crying out loud! He even manned up and told us about it and apologized why can't you do the same!" At this Y/n visibly looked confused and disgusted making Suma look at Y/n harder trying to find anything to show that the look on her face was fake.

    "SANEMI! YOU- you really believe ANYTHING don't you!" Y/n started to yell out become realizing she was in a public space. "You know what? Fuck this! And fuck all of you for believing this shit! I'm not gonna stand here and preach my innocence to people who are so ignorant!" Flailing her arms in the air she turned around ready to leave "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT-" Makio started only to be cut off "NO RIGHT TO WHAT HUH? NO RIGHT TO GET MAD AND TRY TO LEAVE?! NO RIGHT TO GET PISSED AT THE PEOPLE WHO PUT NE THROUGH THIS SHIT?! THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!" Y/n glared at the four before taking a deep breath reminding herself that this is not worth it.

     "Wait! Y/n-chan! Please don't leave atleast talk to me! I miss you, I just don't understand...." "Hina-chan...." "please Y/n-chan if anything just talk to me.... like we used to when you didn't feel like you could tell the others..." at this point tears where flowing out of Hina's eyes not caring that they where in public. Before Y/n could even respond she heard a voice call out to her "Okaa-San! There you are! There had been a slight problem...." Tanjiro said panicking slightly "what?! What happened is everyone ok?!" Totally disregarding the shocked people in front of her, she went into full mom mode checking Tanjiro for any cuts or bruises that weren't there when she left. "Well I don't think anyone is hurt...." Tanjiro trailed off mentally preparing for his mom's reaction when he tells her what happened.

      "Itjustseemslikethetripletssomehowgotoutofthehouseandwecan'tfindthem!" Tanjiro spit out looking the other was embarrassed  on how he let this happen. "Tanjiro we'll talk when we get back to the inn but for now are the others looking for them?" Y/n asked trying her best not to show how bad she was freaking out on the inside. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Okaa-San? Triplets? What the fuck is going on?" Tengen asked only to be ignored by the mother and son duo "Yeah everyone is out lo-... oh you got to be kidding me..." Tanjiro mumbled looking past the strangers to see the triplets running up the hill with big smiles on there faces. Looking where Tanjiro was Y/n felt herself fuming.

     Y/n was easily 10-15 minutes away from the house and if three two-year-olds where here she could only imagine how long they where missing and how much trouble they got into. "AKIO, AKIHIKO, SUMIKO GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" Y/n screaming getting almost the whole streets attention not that she cared at the moment. The three little bodies froze before Sadly making there way to their mother. "What where you guys thinking leaving like that! You had everyone worried about you!" The triplets felt their eyes water hearing the disappointing tone of there mother. Yeah they got lectures before but this one felt different. "I know I'm raising you better than this! Imagine what Ojiisan would think about this!" Hearing sniffles Y/n sighed and softened her tone "I'm glad you three are safe.... So many bad things could've happened"

    Little Akio couldn't take it anymore and ran to his mother's leg sobbing into her kimono "I SORRY MOMMY! I SO SORRY" Feeling her heartbreak at the scene she rubbed his back comforting him as she felt to more little bodies join the hug on her leg. Sighing she looked up seeing the surprised looks on Maiko, Suma, Hina, and Tengen's faces. Whether it was because that one child Sanemi was talking about was three? Or the fact that the kids where without a doubt Tengen's, seeing that Sumiko looked almost like a spitting image of him. Right now Y/n didn't care she had all her kids safe next to her and that's all that matters.

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