chapter 7

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"Don't worry Okaa-San I'll be back before you know it!"


         These past 2 years where ruff on Tengen and the other wives; they have never been this long apart from Y/n and it was a huge adjustment on all of them. Not that they would ever admit that themselves. No matter how much they missed Y/n they could never forgive Y/n for she did to them. Sanemi never lied to them before so why would he lie to them now. So that means he told the truth! Right?

      At first Tengen was confident that the wind Hashira but now he wasn't so sure. I mean all Sanemi said made sense and would explain so many things so why is he just now doubting him. So many thoughts was racing through his head when a cough tore him out of his thoughts. "Thanks for meeting with me." Sanemi said getting a hum in response; he took it as a queue to keep talking.

      "I'm sorry that I was the one to tell you that Y/n was cheating but I found out something else I thought you should know..." Sanemi trailed off trying to sound convincing. This peaked Tengens interest unknowingly to him he's playing right into Sanemi's plan. "Y/n was pregnant but the kid isn't your's; she showed up to my place last night and demanded that I give her 40,049.10 yen because I got her pregnant but she doesn't want me in her life!" Sanemi yelled his voice getting louder at the end.

      The truth is Sanemi knew Y/n was pregnant because he overheard her ranting about it to her mother before she left two years ago. When he initially heard about it he was furious and was gonna tell Tengen right away but then had a better idea. He knew in a few years Tengen was gonna start to doubt him so he would use it to his advantage and it was working perfectly in his favor.

        Tengen didn't know if he wanted to punch Sanemi or not. Yeah he was thankful for Sanemi being a great friend and telling him and it wasn't his fault either. Y/n took advantage of Sanemi when he was drunk and got pregnant because of it. But at the same time he does love Y/n and she chose Sanemi over them. While Tengen is stuck in his thought Sanemi has a huge smile on his face.

     'Look at him so pathetic and he claims to love Y/n yet he doesn't know anything about her. Y/n would never actually cheat on her husband and wives but as long as they believe it I still have a chance with Y/n. They where never worthy of someone like her not to mention that she's my everything and I'll be damned if I let them stand in my way' Sanemi thought quickly snapping out of his thoughts before biding the Sound Hashira farewell.

      If only Tengen knew the truth or had a level head but sadly he didn't know the truth and was never one to have or keep a level head on his shoulders. Tengen was blinded by Sanemi lies; his thoughts clouded his other senses because if he was in tip top shape he would've heard what Sanemi said before we walked away.

     "So guible so stupid. Don't worry Y/n we'll finally be together like we where sleays meant to be. Just wait for me" he mumbled giggling at the thought of being with Y/n and raising her kids as his own "just wait for me we'll be together soon enough; just. Wait. For. Me...."

Mistakes are meant to be fixed (Uzui Tengen x reader)Where stories live. Discover now