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It was around noon. Grian had just finished gathering all the wood he would need to start off his life. Just as he was gathering his stuff, he bumped into a much larger male.

"Ack-" Was all that escaped the blonde before he landed on the ground.

"Ah- sorry Grian!" The taller male, Scar, quickly helps his friend up.

"No, no, it's fine. What are you doing here?" Grain questions as he is lifted off the ground by his friend.

"Oh! I wanted to ask if you-" Grian interrupts Scar by quickly pointing.

"Oooh! Scar! Look!" The blonde takes off, running towards a village.

Scar sighs and follows his friend. In the middle of the village, Etho and a few others were gathered around a dark oak tree. It had a sign on it saying, "Historical Monument". Scar's first instinct is to burn it down, but he didn't have a flint and steal. So, he walks over to Grian.

"Grian? Do you have that flint and steal?" Scar gently nudges the smaller male with his elbow.

Grian nods and hands it over to Scar. The taller male quickly runs up, strikes the flint and steal, and runs away. As he's making a break for it, he grabs Grians hand, leading him away as well. Scar stops behind a house, letting out a soft chuckle.

"Anyway, Grian, do you wanna help me take over the dessert?" Scar tilted his head to one side.

Grian cringes at that, "Scar, the dessert is HUGE!" The small blonde runs his fingers through his hair, letting out a soft sigh, "Etho has a deal to make with me, we can talk more later, alright?"

The brunette nods and follows his winged friend to the center of the village. After a bit of talking and Scar getting bored, they finally make a deal. The group was now talking while Grian fought off some mobs. Before anyone could react, Grian led a creeper straight to Scar, causing it to blow up and take one of the males three lives.

Grian, in shock, stares at the remains of his friend. He then collapses onto the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"SCAR!" He cries over the other males stuff.

After a few minutes, he feels a hand on his shoulder. He quickly turns to see Scar with his signature goofy smile. Scar quickly picks Grian up, noticing how weak and tired he seemed to be right now. The small blonde quickly cuddles up to his friend who starts bringing him to the top of the sandy mountain. Grian felt safe with Scar.

Most would call Grian crazy for that, but it was the truth. Maybe Grian was crazy for feeling safe with Scar. After a few minutes of walking, Scar lays Grian down on a bed.

"Get some rest, Grian. I'll keep watch. We can talk in the morning." And with that, Grian passed out.

Grian awoke to the sun shining directly in his face. He makes a soft groan and sits up, looking around for Scar. He stretches his wings before hopping out of bed and walking over to the edge of the hill. He peeked over, seeing Scar being chased by some Husks. This earns a giggle from the blonde.

Scar eventually kills them and heads back to his friend, "Oh, hey! You're awake!" The brunette smiled happily and puts a hand on Grians head, ruffling his hair.

Grian giggles again before gently pushing his friends hand away, "Uh, Scar?" Grians tone changes to a very serious one, "About yesterday...seeing as how I took your life, it's only fair I give you mine." This catches Scars attention, "So, I'm going to stick with you UNTIL I lose my first life. After that, I'm gone."

Scar blinked a few times before flashing a soft yet sweet smile at Grian, causing the smaller of the two to blush slightly, "You have yourself a deal, G."

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