Love is War

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Scar's POV

Grians been out for a few days now. He didn't lose another life, thank goodness, but this definitely did some serious damage. I felt awful. If I'd just...

"Ugh." I can't help it.

I should have been there.

"Scar?" Scott was kind enough to let us stay in his house while Grian recovered, "How is he?"

I look at the blonde, then back to the teal haired male, "The same..."

"He'll wake up soon, Scar." He giggled a little, "Jimmy did this when he lost his first life. He was real dramatic about it too." I smiled.

I knew that Jimmy and Scott had it rough the past couple of days, and now that he's gone...I can't imagine.

I look at Grian and move over to him. I lay on the bed and pull him close.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I was alone. I looked around and saw a small male sitting on the edge of the bed. His wings folded against his back.

"Stunning." I smirked as he turned around. His hair was fluffy and almost covered his eyes.

"Hi Scar." He had a soft smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?" I crawled up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close to my chest.

He blushed and cuddled up to me, "Better. Sore, but better." He closed his eyes.

I smiled and placed a soft kiss to his head. A little bit later, Scott comes walking in.

"Oh, hello Grain." The blonde looks at him.

"Hello, Scott!" He seemed so happy, it made me smile like an idiot.

"How are you feeling?" Scott walks over and starts examining Grian.

He flinched every now and again when Scott would touch his wound. I hated seeing my feathered partner in this state. Once Scott was finished, I pulled Grian close again. He looked up at me, a sight frown on his face.

"We have a war to finish..." He gently pushed me away and got up.

He grabbed his weapons and mine, handing me my sword.

"The Red King dies tonight." If he wasn't on his yellow life, I would have sworn I saw hints of yellow flash through his eyes. 

"G....You're still hurt. You can't-" Grian cuts me off.

"Scar, don't fight me on this. I'm taking him down today." I watched as the blonde began sharpening his sword.

I just watched. I wasn't going to win this fight. Not easily. I eventually got up and walked over to Grian. I cupped my hands around his face, making his stop what he was doing. I was about to finally seal a kiss when Scott came charging in, making me and Grian jump apart.

"Oh- I didn't realize- um..." He shook his head, "Impulse is ready when you two are."

Grian nods in response. I just watch as Scott slowly leaves the room. My face was definitely red by now. I looked at Grian to see his reaction. He had no emotion. Not even the remanence of a blush.

 So he doesn't like me... 

Grian's POV

I was internally screaming. Now was not the time to let my emotions get in the way. I needed to focus. Ren was going down today. Tonight, we were going to put an end to all of this.

"Ready?" I look at Scar who was now just fidgeting with his sword.

"Yeah..." He seemed so unsure.

My once positive partner seemed so unsure about me and himself. I took in a deep breath and walked over to him. I put my hand on his chest, got up on my tippy toes, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. 

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