You can't steal everything, Scar!

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After a few days of working on their house, Scar and Grian decided to take a small break. They decided it'd be a good idea to go swimming in the river that was just outside of their land. Grian made sure he had everything that he and his friend would need for such a short, yet long trip. After a good half hour, Grian was ready to go.

"I'm gonna do the biggest cannonball anyone has ever seen!" Scar says in a very excited tone.

This earns a giggle from the blonde who was trailing behind his friend, "Sure you are, Scar." He playfully rolled his eyes.

After a good 5 minutes, they arrive to a small clearing that was sheltered by the woods. They didn't wanna be surprised by any sudden attacks. The winged man sets their stuff down and lays out a towel.

Scar looks at his friend, "Why did you put your towel down? You'll get covered in sand after we're done!" The darker haired male threw his arms out, being fairly dramatic.

"Oh, yeah, but I mean, I don't really go swimming..." Grian giggled a little and sat down. After he was comfortable, he slid his shirt off, letting out a sigh of relief, "Go swim-" Before Grian could say anything, he felt himself being pulled into the water.

He closed his eyes tightly, knowing he'd end up sinking, but he never did. He slowly opened his eyes, being met with Scars.

"You can't swim, can you?" Scar had his arms wrapped around Grians torso.

This question earned a small shake of his head from the blonde. Scar just smiled.

"We can stay in the shallow." The brunette brought the smaller male closer to the beach before letting go of him.

The winged male sat on the floor of the river and watched his friend go all the way under before appearing again. Grian didn't realize how toned Scar actually was. Or how his hair seemed to curl a bit when it was wet. Or how his scars made him look-

What the heck am I thinking!? Scar is my friend! I shouldn't be thinking that about him!

Grian was brought out of his trance by a soft voice, "Grian? You okay?" Scars face was inches away from Grians face, making the smaller of the two blush.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine! Just...thinking." Grian smiled a little, trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, about who~?" Scar seemed to purr out as he takes a seat next to his shorter friend.

This question made Grian blush even more, "What makes you think it's about someone!?"

The brunette pouts a bit, "Oh, come-on. Grian, you never space out."

"Okay, fine, yes, I was thinking about someone, but I'm not saying who." Grian crosses his arms and let's out a huff of annoyance.

"Awww but Griannnn" Scar whines out and puts his head on Grians shoulder.

The blonde tensed up. He wasn't uncomfortable by it, more so caught off guard. His taller friend takes his head off Grians shoulder before getting up.

"We should get back to work." This caused Grian to let out an annoyed groan.

He didn't wanna keep working. He enjoyed the free time he had with his business partner. After a few minutes of getting his wings and hair wet, Grian got up and grabbed his towel. Before he could wrap it around himself, he felt someone put their towel around his shoulders.

"Scar? Why did you do that?" Grian looked at his taller friend with a very confused face.

Scar smiles sweetly at his friend, "I'd rather you have my towel then listen to you complain about how much sand you're covered in." The brunette chuckles and starts leading the way home.

Grian watched his friend walk for a bit before smiling a little and blushing. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Nope. He was wrong. This was terrible. After the two got home and changed back into their normal outfits, they got a few visits from their friends. This didn't bother Grian or Scar very much, until Scar started scamming people!

"Scar! Stop! You can just go to Renchanting!" Grian yells, trying to stop the taller male from stealing everything their friends had.

"I don't know where that is, Grian!" Scar matched his friends tone, minus his voice going very high at the end.

Towards the end of the day, Grian and Scar get a visit from Grians favorite friend, BigB! Grian and BigB have been friends for a very long time. Longer then he's been friends with Scar.

"BigB!" Grian yells and hugs his friend tightly.

The other male giggles a little and wraps his arms around Grian, returning the hug. These actions earned a slight glare from Scar. The taller brunette walks over to Grian and BigB before clearing his throat.

"Uh, Grian. I believe there's some...boxes, that need to be organized." He made his voice a little lower and more intimidating.

Grian let go of BigB before sighing softly, "Cya BigB." Grian does as Scar suggested as Scar and BigB walk away down the hill.

Why was Scar so rude? He's never treated Grian like that. Or any of their friends. Why did he sound so mad?

Did I do something wrong?

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