New Beginnings

859 37 14

Grians POV

I woke up in my bed, alone. I rub my eyes and sit up, stretching my wings. I swear, they get bigger everyday. They're not big enough for me to fly, but they're getting there.

I glance around our sleeping area, seeing if Scar was there. Nothing.

I get up and check the kitchen. Nothing.

I groan and go to check the fridge, seeing if there was a note that he left. Sure enough, there was a note.

'Went to go burn down Ethos base. Be back soon :)'

I giggle a little at the note. It was cute. Scar was cute. I blush and sigh softly before grabbing my TNT stuff. I start trapping the inside of our home.

"Oh...I didn't tell Scar about this..." I quickly try to find my communicator but can't find it, "Guess I just gotta keep an eye out for him while I work on our bunker."

After I finish the trap, I head outside. I go to a mostly flat area of sand and start building two moats. After a good ten minutes, I see Scar heading towards our base.

I quickly run up to him, "Scar!" I hug him to which he hugs back.

He smiled, "Hey! What have you been doing? You're covered in sand." He ruffles my hair, making me giggle.

"I was working on a bunker. Also, don't go into our base, it's rigged." I smiled a little.

He blinks a few times, "You rigged it?"

I nod. He gets a proud look on his face before hugging me again.

"This is why I chose to team up with you!" I blush again.

Get ahold of yourself Grian. You got work to do.

I lead Scar over to where I was working, "So, how'd it go?"

"Oh! It went great! They put it out, I re-lit it, they put it out, I re-lit it and that's the end of their castle." He smiled and followed me.

I smiled as I got back to work, "Well, at least that threat is somewhat neutralized."

Just as I say that, Scar quickly jumps down by me, "People!" He whisper yells.

I tilt my head before peaking out, seeing Timmy and Scott heading towards our tower. I panic and quickly try to climb out.

"Friends! They're friends! Timmy!" I yell as I run towards them, Scar following me close behind.

Scott stops and yells for Timmy to stop. They both walk up to us. I pant and try to catch my breath.

"Grian? Scar? What's going on?" Scott asks me as I regain my energy.

"Grian rigged the base to blow up at any second." Scar tells them with a proud hint to his voice.

This made me blush a little, but that quickly disappeared when I see Etho running into our base.

I quickly ran towards him, my friends following close behind, still unsure of why I was running, "Ethos in the base!"

I run up the hill and to one of the bared up windows. I see Etho and growl slightly as I break the bars.

"Etho! What are you doing!?" I enter and draw my crossbow, pointing it at him.

He just chuckles and keeps digging tough mine and Scars things, "Oh! My pistons!"

"Wha-? No those are mine!" He starts climbing the ladder to the roof, "Hey!" I put my crossbow on my back and follow him.

Once I'm there, I see Etho climbing the next ladder, which is when I shoot him. The arrow peirces his left shoulder, making him fall off the ladder.

"Scar! Get him!" I yell as I draw back, ready for another arrow as Etho attempts to escape.

Scar rushes to try and hit him with his sword, missing a few times before stabbing him. Etho must have ate an apple or something because he just kept going. Scott and Jimmy joined in, firing arrows at him. Scott started inching closer which made the white haired male run.

And that's when Scar landed the final hit. We laughed and I quickly hugged Scar.

"Yes King!" Me, Scott, and Jimmy all started cheering, calling Scar a king.

His face turned a dark red, being one of the cutest things I've ever seen, "Thanks guys!" He chuckled and hugged me close.

Scott and Jimmy started picking up Ethos stuff while me and Scar hugged. After they picked the stuff up, they left to go do...whatever it is those two do.

"Scar..?" I looked up at him, hope in my eyes.

He looks down at me, "yes my feathered friend?"

"Freeze! Pause your make out session and give our friend back his things!" Ren, Martyn, Skiz, Big B, and Etho all show up, ready for a fight.

Me and Scar quickly separate and glare at them, drawing our own weapons.

"I said he could have them back!" I retort.

Ren just scoffs before signaling for Etho to get his stuff from the chests. The white haired male slowly inches over and gathers his stuff. He rejoined with the others and drew his sword. The second he did that, Scott, Jimmy, and Cleo all show up, drawing their weapons.

"Yeah! We've got our own...uh..." Scar trailed off before quickly saying, "Friends!"

I giggle, "Did you forget the word for friends?" This caused everyone else to laugh a bit.

"I- No! This is just a very stressful situation!" Scar pouted a bit, making me giggle again.

One thing led to another, we're now at war with DogWarts. No surprise there. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell Scar. For now, I've got work to do.

Scar's POV

I went to check on Grian as it was getting late and I hadn't seen him in a bit. He was working on the bunker so I didn't wanna bother him. Once I got there, I saw some rainbow wings that were sheltering a sleeping blonde.

I smiled and gently picked him up. When I did so, I heard him mumble something, but I couldn't tell what he said. He just curled up in my arms as I carried him up to our 'bedroom'. I laid him on his bed before going over to mine, quickly passing out.

"I love you..."

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