oh no...

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It was around 3 in the morning. Grian couldn't sleep. Thoughts from the previous day flooding his head. He had an idea though. One that might just fix any damage that he's caused.

He quickly grabbed some wheat and other things. Just as he was about to leave, Scar let out a soft groan and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Grian? Where are you going? It's like...three in the morning." His words slurred a bit as he slowly woke up.

Grian sighs softly, "I'm just going for a walk, I'll be back in an hour."

"You're gonna leave without giving me-" Scar couldn't finish his sentence before Grian ran off.

Scar pouted a bit but just laid back down and fell back asleep. Grian on the other hand, was running to the swamp area, on the hunt for something that no one really had.


If there's one thing that can get to Scars heart, it's food. He was going to get some cows and make Scar the best dinner ever! As Grian was walking, he decided to stop at Jimmy and Scott's. He'd say him and Scott were good friends. He was much closer with Jimmy though.

"Scott?" Grian peers over the side of the hill, looking down at the teal haired male.

"Oh, hello Grian. What are you doing here?" Scott got up from his spot in the flower garden and walked over to Grian, who gently glided down.

"I was coming to see if you had any cows?" The blonde had a spark of hope in his eyes until Scott pointed to a sign that said something about the only cow left alive, Rip Daisy, "Ah, I'll take that as a no."

"Well, Jimmy was in charge of keeping her safe, what did you expect?" Scott said with a slight chuckle.

This made Grian smile a little, "How are you and Tim? Sorry I missed the wedding...it was a pain in the butt with Scar."

Scott waved his hand, "Me and Jimmy didn't mind. We figured that's what was wrong."

Grian nodded, "Well, I'll be on my way, cya Scott!" Grian waves before fluttering back up and running towards the swamp.

After a good hour or so, he finally finds a cow, unaware that he also stumbled across another one of his friends.

"Nothing to see here! Just dirt!" A male yells from a small hole in the ground.

This raises suspicion, so the small blonde investigates.

"Tango!? What is this!? Now we'll never have a monopoly!" Grian whined out, coving up his true intentions with the cow.

"I SAID THIS WAS NOTHING!" Tango yells as he tries to corral the cows.

Grian let's out an annoyed huff before running out of the hole and grabbing one of the cows, "You can't hear me Tango, but I'm taking this cow!" He yells as he runs back home.

It was about 5am by the time he arrived home. There was an anxious Scar waiting by the door. The second he saw Grian approach the cactus barrier, he rushed out to meet him.

"Look-" Grian couldn't finish his sentence before two muscular arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Please never leave like that again." These actions made Grian blush.

No no no, not again! Stop simping for him!

Grian sighed and gently pushed Scar away, "I've got some bad news.."

Panic fills Scars eyes, his expression going from happy, to worried, "W-what happened? Are you okay?" Even his voice seemed worried.

The taller male cups Grians face, checking him for cuts or anything which just makes Grian blush more.

"I-im fine! But Tango has more cows...so we won't have a monopoly on them." He didn't bother pushing Scars hands away, feeling safe in the moment.

Scar let's out a sigh of relief and puts his hands back at his sides, "That's not so bad." The brunette looked off into the distance, seeing a familiar face approaching, "Cleo?"

The ginger girl smiles and jokingly dips her head to the two, "Hello boys. I've been sent to give you something. But it'll come at a cost."

Scar blinks, his curiosity winning, "What do you want?"

This caused Cleo to smirk, "That sword you have looks nice. And your armor."

The brunette groans before handing Cleo the stuff. The ginger giggled before running off. Scar and Grian we're so confused on what had just happened. The blonde then noticed something that could be helpful.

"Scar, look! The enderman is mad! Cleo must have looked at it!" The shorter of the two starts running to the enderman.

Scar followed very close behind, meaning he didn't have the chance to stop before falling down into a hole.

"SCAR!" Grian panicked and tried to grab Scar, but was too late.

With a sad and painful look on his face, Grian goes down and grabs his friends body, brining him back to the house and laying him down on the bed. The blonde grabs some bandages and starts patching what he can before laying next to the taller male.

"Oh Scar...I'm so sorry..." Grian tried his best not to cry before removing himself from the bed and walking outside.

He stared at the sky. It would probably be a while before Scar woke up. He had some time to waste, but doing what? Grian hums before going back inside, grabbing some paper and a pencil, and starting to draw. He was sketching a parrot. Then got bored, tried to draw a cat. Then got bored. Until he settled on something to draw.

His sketch turned from being a stick figure, to one of the most handsome men he's ever met.


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