Chapter 1: Mystic Mayhem

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"These people in New York are so fascinating." Stated a young girl, watching through a portal.

Her attention was quickly shifted by these two men dressed in blue and red tracksuits, with dogs strapped to their chests, chasing after the exact agent that stole the vial from her father. The two were making a mess up on the streets.

Groaning, she closed the portal and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why did dad send those idiots?"

"Mistress Teo." Called out a voice.

"Yes?" She responded, turning to the entrance of her room.

"Your father, Master Draxum, is requesting to see you." They informed.

"Thank you, Huginn. I'll head over right now." She acknowledges with a smile.

Leaving her room, Teo briskly walked through the hallways in search of her father, who was most likely in his lab. During her journey, she saw the two guards walk by her with the agent carrying the glass vial around his neck. Her heart shattered when seeing that they were unsuccessful in getting out of the city.

Teo didn't agree with her father's plan to turn the human race into Yokai people. So she called for the council and an agent to take away the mutagen vial, which it would take her father years to recreate with the notes she destroyed, but sadly, her plan didn't work.

Bowing her head in shame, Teos' attention was grabbed by something else trailing behind the two guards. Being careful, she quietly followed the strange figure.

With further inspection, she found that what was following the guards was a human girl; her skin was dark, with curly hair, and she was wearing a stylish outfit that looked amazing.

Running up to her, Teo quickly grabbed the human and covered her mouth before ducking out of sight before one of the guards 'dogs' saw her.

Teo had to be careful when the human panicked and started swinging their limbs about. Deeming that the coast is cleared. She looked at the human with slight confusion.

"Shush, I'm trying to keep you safe." She snapped, lowering her voice to a low volume.

The human forcefully pulled Teo's hand off their mouth and blurted the first thing that came out.

"You're a mutant turtle and female." They spoke.

"Um, yes, I am. Last I checked, I am a girl and a turtle. But not a mutant," She strained out, a bit surprised that the human wasn't screaming in terror.

Rubbing her arm, Teo felt the small strands of her hair tickle the back of her neck. She wore a basic weapons belt that held her mystic weapon and a choker necklace lacking a charm. Her hands consist of two fingers and a thumb wrapped in some bandages.

"Can you help me rescue that dog thingy?" Asked the human.

"I want to, but I can't; it's not safe anymore, I tried to get the vial out with the agent's help, but they got caught." She informed them. "You need to leave and find somewhere safe."


The human didn't get a chance to respond before Teo frantically shoved the human through a secret passage, not realise it was one of the many that led to the weapons storage.

Teo pretended that she didn't do anything wrong by fixing the wall back to its original state.

"Ah, mistress Teo. Your father is worried that you haven't arrived." Informed Huginn.

"Sorry, Huginn thought I saw something; guess it was my imagination, she quickly lied, pulling down her lime green shorts a tad bit more.

"Well, we better get going," Huginn suggested.

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