Chapter 4: War and Pizza

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Sitting near Donnie, Teo observed him working on a random project while explaining what he was doing. That was short-lived when the microwave came alive and started flying about, shooting out red lasers at his brothers, that yelled and ran away from it while he, Teo and Splinter were fine, though she still went and hid behind Donnie just to be safe.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking behind him.

Clinging to his shoulders, Teo kept her eyes on the flying machine. " Because I don't want that thing coming after me."

He opened his mouth to respond but shut it when his phone started buzzing, the screen flashing, showing that it was April calling them. Peeking around his shoulders, she stood on her tiptoes, seeing that he answered and put it onto face time.

"You are conversing with Donatello and Teo." He smiled as if that mayhem behind him wasn't happening.

"Hi, April," Teo shrank back against Donnie, worried about the boys and the flying microwave.

"Dudes, I need your help." Called out April. The two can see her curled into herself, panicked.

"For you anything." Donnie agreed to his friend before listing off demands. "As long as it does not involve bees, or spiders or beach balls. Please, no beach balls."

"Beach balls?" Teo hummed, looking over at him.

"Can you fix Albearto? He broke before singing 'Happy Birthday.'" She pleaded, explaining her situation briefly.

Shocked, Donnie repeated what she said to the others, still running about. "April still hasn't gotten through the 'Happy Birthday' song yet, guys."

"Where does she work again?" Teo asked, not understanding what was happening.

Raph popped up, looking sad for his friend; the flying menace was forgotten. "April still hasn't gotten through the 'Happy Birthday' song?" He echoed back.

"Am I on speaker?" She yelled through the phone. (I love the wall breaks in this show.)

"Or cake, actually," Donnie added.

Leo scoffed at what he heard. "Or cake?"

"Wow, is it really that hard to get through those two?" Teo questioned, from the boys to April but paused for a moment looking around the lair. "Wait. What happened to the microwave?"

"We locked it up," Mikey gently said to her.

"Albearto's is the pizza place, right? We'll be right over." Confirmed Raph, smirking at their friend.

Not convinced, April quickly said. "Hey, if you guys are in the middle of something..."

Donnie ended the call, and all five ran from the lair. It took them five minutes to get to where April worked, considering it was not far from the lair.

They all busted in the back door, forming poses except for Teo, who just snickered at how dorky they looked to her.

'I bet they practice these in the mirror. If I was their enemy and saw this. I wouldn't take them seriously.' She giggled, standing to the side.

"Fixers in the house, swooping in to save the day!" Raph announced, still striking a pose.

"That was fast," April praised them.

"We're like only five minutes away." Clarified Teo, running up to April and giving her a hug.

The two girls hugged each other, squishing their cheeks. April spoke up again but still held Teo close to her. "Actually, I just needed Donnie and Teo so she can keep him focused."

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