Chapter 8 The Fast and the Furriest

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A couple of days after the initial scare, Teo sat on the ground with the others; Donnie stood before them, spotlights clicking and shining below him.

He had a calm look on his face, resting a hand under his chin for a moment. "Brethren and Teo, before you is my masterpiece, the culmination of my myriad skills united in one glorious enterprise. Gentlemen, Lady, behold the1"

Teo was very intrigued about what Donnie was going to show them but pouted in annoyance when Leo jumped in, Interrupting the boy. 'I pray to any deity that I won't knock him out one day.'

"Ooh, is it the drill? Is it that drill you made when we were fighting those silverfish?" he asked, trying to guess what it was.

Annoyed, Teo stood up and shoved Leo to the ground. Raph and Mikey laughed while Donnie looked at her oddly.

"Will ya be quiet and let him speak." She snapped, practically done with him.

The whole time she was resting, Leo kept bothering her. Making it take longer for her to be back to her full strength. So right now, she wasn't in the mood to deal with Leo.

Huffing, Teo sat back down, Baymax happily panting with his tail wagging next to her. She motioned Donnie to continue. "The drill, uh, that's still in beta."

"Lame!" Called Raph, earning a sharp slap to the leg from Teo. "Ye, ow."

Donnie continued with his presentation, appreciating Teo's help in keeping his brothers quiet. "But this is better, much, much better. I give you the"

This time Mikey ended up speaking up, annoying not only Teo but Donnie as well. "Is it an even cooler, even bigger drill?"

"No, not a drill!" He strongly shut down, his eyes flickering to Teo, who was pinching between her eyes, holding herself back from slapping the everyday lights out of the younger brother. "This is the big surprise."

He, too, had enough of his brothers jumping in; Donnie pulled a rope that pulled up the large curtain, a big smile on his face and arms in the air.


Looking up to see what it was, Teo scrunched her eyes up, confused at what she was supposed to be seeing. "Is it inviable?" She mumbled.

Her attention was soon brought to Mikey, who cheered in excitement, being supportive of his brother. "Yay! A sewer tube full of nothing!"

"Huh?" Donnie exclaimed.

"I'm so proud of you."

"I think something was actually supposed to be there, Mikey." She pointed out, seeing Donnie turnabout to the empty tunnel.

"What? Where did it go?" Donnie exclaimed, gripping his head. "I built us an amazing vehicle out of the moon buggy!"

The purple boy collapsed to his knees, slamming his fists on the ground. Upset for him, Teo got up and kneeled next to him, her hand rubbing circles on his back to try and soothe his mind.

She heard a growl coming from where she was before. Not thinking of it and just assuming that Baymax found something, she kept rubbing Donnie's back. She didn't know that it was Raph who growled, who quickly covered it up with a cough.

Her attention was brought back to Donnie, who sat up, yelling out loudly. "Who stole our turtle tank?"

"It's okay, Donnie, we'll find it. Let's head on out and search for it." Teo offered, hoping to help ease his mind a little.

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