Chapter 5: Newsworthy

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Waking up the next morning, Teo exited her room, yawning and stretching out her limbs, the joints cracking on the spot.

She made her way down to the lower levels, heading for the kitchen, but Donnie skidded in front of her, legs bent, pointing accusingly at her, angry yet annoyed.

"You?" He gurgled out, narrowing his eyes. "Where were you, young lady? You weren't where we last left you!"

Moving past him, Teo just smiled and pulled his arm down to rest by his sides. "Morning to you too, Donnie."

He turned around to yell at her some more but paused, seeing the healed and scared crack over her shell. To him, it looked like it had healed years ago, even though it was a brand-new wound.

"Wait, what? How had the crack on your shell healed so quickly?" This obtained the other two brothers' attention.

Leo was fully hunched over the table, with a spoon in his mouth, staring at Teo and Donnie, eyes wide and some milk dripping from his chin. Raph, slightly hunched over, about to take a bite, looked at Teo.

Both boys went to check on what Donnie meant. They woah-ed when seeing that he was right.

"But wasn't this fresh from like yesterday?" Asked Leo, gently running his fingertips over the scaring.

Teo shivered from the feeling, her shell feeling a bit more sensitive at the moment. Stepping away from Leo's reach, she had both hands in the air looking at them all calmly.

"Maybe I'm a quick healer, plus I'm from the Mystic City; either way, I don't know." She lied to them, not wanting them to know just yet, except Mikey.

The three silently agreed to drop the subject for now, even though they still had questions to ask her.

For the remainder of the day, the group went over possible missions that they could do. Teo ensured it was within their skill range and not too dangerous. They finally found one that seemed to have related to the oozesquitoes, possibly mutating a man into a hippopotamus.

What shocked Teo the most was Donnie happened to have a hippo costume on hand and exactly in Raph size.

Pointing at it, she said. "Okay, I have a lot of questions about that." Gesturing to the costume.

Leo slid beside her, grinning, slinging his arm around her shoulder. His free hand rests on his chin, forming an L shape against it. "Well, we'll happily answer them in return for you to tell us how that crack healed quickly, hm?"

Having an annoyed pout, Teo shoved Leo's face away from hers, making him stumble onto his shell. "Pass, let's just find this mutant."

Walking out, her shoulders stiff and quickly left the room, grabbing some fruit on her way out.

"Maybe give her some time." Offered Mikey, looking down at his older brother and then running after Teo.


Running on the rooftops, Teo breathed in the polluted air of New York City, the loose strands of her hair wisping around her, with the cool night air regulating her heated skin. A calm smile on her face.

She watched Raph prance about in the hippo costume, doing twirls in the air. There was a point where Raph grabbed onto a ladder, but it groaned at the weight, its rusted hinges no longer able to hold anymore and fell down.

Jumping after him, she saw him struggle to pull the hippo's head off.

"Here, let me," She offered, reaching out to him.

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