Chapter 7: Down with the sickness

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Over a couple of days, the five had gotten pretty use to their new addition. It did take a while for Splinter to get used to Baymax being around but overall, got used to the giant fluffy puppy.

Baymax would occasionally check on everyone else but mainly stayed close to Teo as she was the one he connected to the most.

Today, everyone decided to relax and have some fun in the games room. Sitting down, with Baymax in her lap, Teo cheered for her favourite turtle, watching him bust a bunch of moves on the dance machine, with his brothers cheering him on or with Leo being a downer.

"I don't think he's got this?" Leo pointed out, antagonizing Mikey.

Jumping in, Mikey quickly defended his older brother. "Hey! Leave him alone."

"I doubt you'd be able to pull off those awesome moves Leo; didn't you land on your face when trying to do a backflip?" Pointed out Teo, chuckling at the face he pulled.

Opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish. Leo pouted with his arms crossed tightly over his chest. "What? I'm just saying he doesn't have this and that was mean Teo, I can bust some moves."

"Yeah, but not before tripping over your own feet." She retorted smugly.

"Oooh, she got you there!" Laughed Mikey, high-fiving her.

"You're just trying to get in my head," Raph stated, growling at Leo while dancing harder.

Cheering louder, Teo boosted Raph's confidence. "Whoah! Go Raphie!"

Donnie quickly jumped in after passing by and giving Baymax a pat. "Oh, my peaches and cream, he just doubled."

Tilting her head, Teo spoke up. "Is that good?"

Smiling at her, Donnie explained about the game, how you hit the arrows at a perfect time to receive points and that whoever has the highest number of points wins.

Looking around, she could see that Raph is working up a sweat, making his muscles glint in the low light, causing her to blush a lot.

"Rag! Now!" He yelled.

Mikey quickly hopped in and wiped away the accumulating sweat forming on Raph's forehead. "Have I ever told you how big and beautiful you are?"

"No, but thank you." He thanked them, appreciating the compliment.

He didn't mind his brothers complimenting him, but he did wish that he heard it from Teo herself, he realized what he was feeling when she came back to the lair with Baymax and knew that he wanted to be in her life and more.

"Uh, he is about to set a new high score." Donnie quickly informed watching the points go higher. "I can't watch, but I can't not watch!"

Seeing what Donnie meant, Teo stood up with Baymax cradled in her arms. Observing the group as they all got excited about the new high score.

"Can I try after Raph, please?" She spoke up, wanting to have a try at it.

Still dancing, Raph responded back. "Sure, thing Teo, we'll set it on easy so you can get the hang of it."

"Thank you," Smiling, she gave them all a happy eye smile.

Leo jumped in and pounced on Donnie's protected shell, shoving his twin down. "You know what they say about big-time moments?"

"Yes, I do," Raph confirmed, still dancing. "They say that in big-time moments, leaders make."

A sudden shout caused everyone to stop what they were doing. "Brain!"

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