chapter five

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"jason, why are you standing in the middle of my class?" miss espinoza asks as she eyes the boy named jason

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"jason, why are you standing in the middle of my class?" miss espinoza asks as she eyes the boy named jason.

"oh, i was actually coming to you, miss."

"sit down."

"but miss-"

"sit the hell down," she snapped and jason scurried to his seat.

miss espinoza sighed and rubbed her forehead. the bell rings, signalling the end of class and she sat down around her desk, resting her head on it. everyone rushed out of the class and i stayed back.

harley told me to come but i told her that i'd be there soon.

she nodded and left me alone.

soon, miss espinoza and i were the only one on the classroom.

i hesitantly tapped her arm.

"miss espinoza?" my soft voice squeaked out.

she looked up at me. she looks so exhausted and tired.

"yes, miss vox?"

"i was wondering if you're okay? you seemed snappy in class." i chose my words carefully as i spoke to her.

"yes, yes. i am okay. thank you for your concern."

i nodded, smiling slightly.

"take it is easy, miss. it's just monday." with that, i left the classroom and met up with harley who was waiting for me down the hall.


it's now lunch time and i have one more session for the day and then that's it. having seven periods per day is sure as hell stressing. back at my knox's institution we only have 5 sessions per day.

harley and i went to the lunch area and i gasped. i would never get over how big the cafeteria is.

at every section where they serve food, there was a sign to tell what's in the specific section and what you'll be served.

harley and i joined the line and soon it was our time.

i move down in the line, telling the ladies what i want. i got a burger with a large fries, two cookies with some vegetable on the side and an orange juice. the total came up to $10. i mean it was worth it. their food looks pretty bomb.

harley ordered a vegetable salad with pudding and water.

we walked to an empty table on the middle of the cafeteria and sat down.

"where are you from?"

"los angeles. you?"

"here," she tucked her hair behind her ear and began eating her lunch and so did i.

"what's it like in new york?" i asked.

"well... it's fun and can get hectic. there's so much here to see other than the statue of liberty -" harley said and i nodded.

"how about you give me a tour around new york when you're free?" i offered.

"really? you'd want that?"

"yeah. anything to get me distracted," i shrugged and harley grinned.

"we can tour wednesday since school ends early - 1 o'clock."

i smile widely, "that can work."

"well, well, look what we have here."


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