chapter twenty-two

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everything was okay

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everything was okay. too okay if i am supposed to be honest.

well at least that's better than being in danger.

"prepare yourselves for a test in the next fifteen minutes." scarlett says as she looked at her watch.

"miss!" someone whined, "you didn't tell us we were having a test today."

"always be prepared. this is maths."

with our tutoring sessions still, i was sure that i was going to ace this test. i practiced math questions and studied their formula so im good.

fifteen minutes flew by quickly and soon, the papers were being placed down on our desks. i looked at the back of the paper and cheered mentally when i got the first question that i saw.

"turn over." scarlett says and everyone did as told.

"write your name, date and teacher's name." she instructed and everyone did as told.

after a while, her eyes scanned the classroom and we held eye contact. she gave me a small smile and i smiled back.

"section one consists of worded questions, 1-20. section two consists of multiple choices. section three consists of constriction and section three a contains of mathematical stanzas." she walked in front of the classroom back and forth slowly, "no borrowing, no whispering. if i see you doing something you're not supposed to, i will deduct 3 marks and if there's another time, im taking the paper away."

"the grade makes up your average for mathematics. all the best."

"annnd begin."

i flipped the paper open and my eyes widened at the questions.

i hate worded questions.


"that paper was so hard!" harley sighed and tugged at her hair.

i laughed.

"no it wasn't."

"you're only saying that because she helped you! maybe even showed you the paper before we got it!" harley said and throw her hands up.

i laughed at her antics.

"one, please tone down. two, no she didn't. three, i just know the formulas."

"you have to at least admit that the back part was hard," my best friend pouted.

"it was, yes, but with the help of some questions, i managed."

"what questions could possibly help with what was at the back?" harley asked with raised eyebrows.

"that one question where it showed a cuboid, the sides and told us to find the area, perimeter and required paper to wrap the gift box, there was a question on the paper where it asks something about the cuboid. if you answered that, then you'll see how it was helpful." i said and harley gave me a look.

"the most that i answered was 10!"

i chuckled.

"oh, come on, har. it wasn't that hard!"

"easy for you to say," she pouts and we continued walking towards our next session.

my phone vibrated and i took it out of my pocket and looked at the notification. i opened it and saw something that made my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

unknown: *attachment* *attachment* *attachment*
unknown: debating whether or not i should leak these

i gulped and looked around to see if anyone was looking at me.

the pictures are with scarlett and i.

one when we went out, when we were in her bed and one when we were having sex.

shit. shit. shit.

someone was spying on us and i have a feeling i know who it is.

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