chapter seventeen

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"what do you mean he is here?" mom shot up off of the bed at my outburst and gave me a concerned look

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"what do you mean he is here?" mom shot up off of the bed at my outburst and gave me a concerned look.

"i-i- mom, i was talking to a friend a-and then i heard him, i heard his name, his voice, m-mom. my friend and him, t-they're brothers a-and he said h-he came to visit s-so maybe he f-found me, mom. he knows that i am in new york." i panicked and i could feel my chest tightening.

my breathing started to become heavier and mom rushed to me, holding me by the shoulders.

my hands started to shake and it seems like all the air was cut off, like i couldn't breath.

my eyes welled up with tears and my throat tightened.

"deep breaths, baby girl. deep breaths," mom instructed and made me sit on her bed. she rubbed my shoulders and kept repeating breathing instructions to me.

i calmed down soon, taking in deep breaths, the atmosphere returning to normal. i looked at mom and broke down.

she hugged me, brining me into her arms. i cried loudly, ugly and loud sobs coming from my mouth.

"shh, skylar. everything will be okay." mom shushed me as i cried continuously.

my cries died down almost forty-five minutes later. mom rubbed my back soothingly in patterns, shushing me, telling me that it is going to be okay, but is it though?

scarlett's life may be on the line because of me.

she may die because of me.

she may even lose a couple fingers because of me.

all this trouble because of me.

i am the cause of all this and i can end it if only i let tyler have his way with me.

i looked up at mom.

"i won't let anything happen to you, okay, sky? you're my rock and i don't know what i'll do if i lose you." mom said and i felt like crying again.

"no, no, don't cry. you're a strong girl, a fighter. i don't want you to cry. i know that... he won't get you again, i know he won't." mom said and i sniffed.

that wasn't something that she can promise. that was something she doesn't know if it can happen or cannot. maybe he'll get me, maybe he'll kill all my lovers just to get to me, to finally have me.

we heard the doorbell echoing throughout the house and i snapped out of my thoughts.

"i'll go get it. you stay put, okay?"

i nodded and mom and i walked downstairs. i tightened the robe around my body as she neared the door.

she opened it and i saw her body visibly relax.

"good night, miss falls." i heard scarlett said outside the door and i relaxed.

"goodnight, scarlett." mom smiled, "come in."

she let scarlett inside and her eyes fell on me. she rushed over to me and brought me in a hug. i wrapped my arms around her, her comfort immediately engulfing me.

i let out a breath.

"god, i was so worried about you. you weren't answering my texts nor my calls. i thought something happened." she said and cupped both of my cheeks.

i smiled as much as i could.

"im okay, scar." i mumbled, "im okay."

i noticed mom leaving the room silently and i thanked the gods above for that.

"you've been crying. are you okay?" she got worried and started checking for injuries. i giggled and stopped her.

"yes, im okay, babe." i said and she let out a breath of relief.

she seemed riled up about something, on edge and it doesn't sits right with me.

"are you okay? you seem pretty... startled." i asked.

"im always alright, amore mio. as long as im with you, i am."

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