chapter twenty-one

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5 days later

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5 days later

the mid break flew by pretty quickly and everything was on track and okay. i made sure to stay inside a lot Incase tyler was actually back. scarlett and i still hung out at her place and mom still doesn't know that she's my teacher.

scarlett told me that a parent-teacher conference was being held the monday that school was reopened and i was nervous. scarlett was going to be there and so was my mother.

she was going to find out next monday — today.


that scares the living hell out of me but i guess i'll have to live it out.

i got dressed and head downstairs and eat off my breakfast quickly.

"slow down and mind you choke." mother said and i gave her a thumbs up with poked up mouth and she gave me a disapproving look.

"let's get going since you're finished then." mom said and took up her car keys and we left.

i would be lying if i said i wasn't nervous for today.

baby💕 - good morning, my love. don't be nervous for today
              - if she doesn't approve, know that i won't let you go
              - dgaf

i smiled at the messages that scarlett sent me and responded. mother drove out of the drive way and on the way to school.


my mother smiled at the last teacher that she wanted to see after the pta and we were about to leave when she stopped.

"i want to see your mathematics teacher." she announced and i froze.

everything was going so good! why now?

"uh, i don't think she's on campus." i said nervously.

"how do you know that? we're going to see." mom said and turned around, "lead the way."

help! i started to panic on the inside but didn't show it as we walked down the corridor. we turned the corner and then a few more classrooms and we got to scarlett's class.

i knocked on the door and i heard some shuffling.

the door opened and a parent and a fellow classmate of mine, who i recognized to be priya, left the classroom and mom and i entered. scarlett saw me before my mother and her eyes widened slightly.

i chewed on my bottom lip nervously and mother entered the classroom.

she looked around before her eyes fell on scarlett.

her eyes widened and then she slowly looked at me.

"que diable? (what the hell?) skylar, you have some explaining to do!" mom whispered angrily at me and closed the door.

i folded my lips.

"take a seat." she said and her eyes skimmed through the files as she went through them.

"before we get into the school matter, let's talk about other matters," mother said and looked at the both of us.

scarlett and i looked at her, waiting for her lecture.

"is this to get your grades up, skylar?" mom asked and i immediately shook my head.

"no, mom. never." i denied.

"then why your teacher? of all people?" mother says and i gulped.

"i-i don't know. it just happened," i whispered in shame, looking down.

"she's not to blame, miss falls." scarlett spoke up.

"are you forcing her?" mother asked bitterly.

before scarlett could respond, mother spoke up again.

"if you did, i will press charges," she gave her a stink eye and scarlett shook her head.

"don't think that i am angry because i am accusing here and there, i am just confused and i want the truth," she continued speaking calmly.

well that's a good sign.

"mom, scarlett didn't force herself on me. it just happened — while she was tutoring me, things got a way and then it just happened." i said, speaking up for scarlett.

"let her speak," mother cut me off from continuing.

scarlett sighed and leaned back in her chair, looking at me then at my mother.

"miss falls, your daughter means a lot to me. in no way did i force myself on her, threaten her nor blackmail her. as she said, we have tutoring sessions together and the tension grew. we started seeing each other last week. i mean no harm to your daughter. i do know the consequences that i can be sent to jail, fired and skylar can be removed from this institution and have a bad record. in school, we will act neutral. til she graduates, our relationship will be private," she says, "if you don't approve of our relationship with me being her teacher, and her my student, then i understand."

mom bit the inside of her cheek.

"i approve but if she ever gets removed from this institution because of your relationship, i am whooping both of your asses."

"yes ma'am," scarlett and i said in sync, making me smile.

"good. now tell me, how's my daughter doing in her math course?"

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