chapter thirteen

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i spent the morning with scarlett, just talking about random stuff and enjoying each other's company

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i spent the morning with scarlett, just talking about random stuff and enjoying each other's company. we ate pancakes with strawberry syrup for breakfast and watched lucifer after that.

during the movie, we make out a little here and there and that was it. she still hasn't found that i wasn't wearing any underwear as yet and i want it to be kept that way.

scarlett rubbed my hair as we watched the fourth episode of lucifer. it is interesting you could say. detective decker literally annoys the heck out of me. i know it's hard to believe someone is the devil without proof, but c'mon! at least a little interest?

i felt her hand trailing down my waist and up again, pulling the shirt up a bit. i looked up at her from her arms and bit my lip.

"can i touch you, neonata?"

i knew what she was initiating to. she wanted to touch me.

"yeah," i nodded, gulping slightly.

she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, her hands not moving from my hip. i moaned softly in her mouth when a tingle went down to my core and she used that as an advantage to thrust her tongue in my mouth. her tongue roamed all the corners of my mouth, not failing to please me.

i whimpered in her mouth, silently pleading for her to touch me.

she pulled back, our lips making a pop sound and she rested her forehead against mine.

"if i didn't know better i'd say you're desperate." she whispers and i blushed.

so what if i was desperate! she was the first person to touch me and i wanted more.

"i like when you're patient with me, kitten."

the name sent a churn down my stomach and it had me clenching my thighs. i looked in her eyes, gulping and scarlett leaned forward and pecked my lips.

"and because you're not patient, you won't be getting what you want."

at that, my eyes widened.

"no, no. i'll wait. j-just please," the words rushed from my mouth as i begged for her to touch me.

scarlett's eyes lowered and she looked down at my body and then back at me.

her tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth, a smirk slipping on her lips, "beg me for it."

i did. i pleaded for her to touch, almost cried. she chuckled at my pathetic responses and got off of the couch, kneeling in front of me. she placed her hands on my waist and pull up the shirt.

her eyes met my naked and crying core.

"tsk, no underwear?"

"all of y-yours were used." i stuttered out and she gave me a look.

"maybe you weren't looking, caro." dear. she leaned down and licked my clit, making my body jerk at the sudden contact, "there's a new pack of underwear right underneath the sweatshirts."

i didn't respond as i bit my lip. scarlett started to suck on my clit, making me moan above her. i kept looking down at her, holding up the shirt so it doesn't fall on her.

scarlett's tongue worked wonders between my legs as she pleasured me, licking my folds and giving me a stomach churning and leg shaking orgasm.

she licked me up and leaned up to my face, pecking my neck.

"mi godrò il mio tempo con te, bella ragazza. aspetta solo che ti mostri cose che non sai e ti abbia come mio. she whispers in my ear.

"translation." i mumbled.

"don't worry about it."


translation - i will enjoy my time with you, beautiful girl. just wait for me to show you things you don't know and have you as mine.


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