chapter ten

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i parked the car and got out, making sure i looked okay

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i parked the car and got out, making sure i looked okay. i knocked on the door, nervous, as i was probably about to meet her mother, most likely my future mother in law.

the door opened and a short woman with silver hair greeted me. her brown eyes stared into mine, squinted.

"your date is here, honey!" her mom yelled in the house.

when she pulled up the door and stepped out, i gulped.

i never got this nervous before.

"im skylar mom, lewis falls."

"good night, miss falls."

she nodded.

"look, just a heads up. things with skylar may get difficult and you may get threats and whatnot so prepare yourself for a long ride. if you're going to run along now, just do it quick and don't leave my daughter heartbroken."


"threats from who, miss falls?" i asked curiously.

she opened the door and looked inside and then back at me, "she has this toxic ex boyfriend, tyler pablo who is obsessed with her. he scared us away from los angeles. so im just going to say this one more time, leave now if you're going to flee when bad things start to happen." her mother warns and i nodded.

im happy she told me the last name because then i'll be able to do a background check on this motherfucker.

we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and lewis stepped back in the house.

"i can assure you, you'll be seeing me around more often." i said and she smiles at that.

skylar came to the door and my jaw dropped.

lewis excused herself and my eyes took in my angel in front of me.

she's wearing a baby blue dres with with flowers pattern all over it. thin spaghetti straps held up the fabric over her breasts as there was a tie at the cleavage, bringing the fabric together. the dress a little above her knees and it fits her perfectly.

"you look ravishing, my love

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"you look ravishing, my love." i rasped out and she blushed.

"thank you." she accepts the compliment, "you don't look too bad yourself."

skylar closed the door, yelling that she was gone.

i smiled and she looped her hand through mine as we walked to my car. i opened the door for her and she got in. i closed it and then got to my side and started the engine.

i drove off in the direction of my penthouse where we'll spend the night.


"woah," skylar gasps. we walked down the steps, entering the living room as she looked around.

i stick my hands in my pocket, watching as her jaw dropped at the interior.

"it's so beautiful," she compliments the interior and i smiled.

"i designed the interior."

skylar hummed and i led her to my bedroom that i set up for us. the lights were dimmed and there was a delicious meal waiting for us at the bedside table.

thank you, heather. heather is my personal chef. even though i cooked, i asked her to supervise the food for me while i went to get skylar.

the bed was set up with chips and majority different kind of small snacks, sweets and other stuff. rose petals made a heart in the middle, and a bouquet of flowers was in the middle.

she saw the food and she looked up at me.

"you did all this?" she motions to the entire design of the room and i nodded.

"do you not like it?" i asked softly, "we can eat out if no-"

"oh, i love it, scarlett." skylar throws her arms around my shoulders and i grinned. i swear i wouldn't know what to do if she didn't like it. i placed my hand on her waist, hugging her back. she soon pulled away and looked around once more.

"before i touch anything, do you mind me taking a picture for memories?" skylar asks and i motioned towards the place.

"i don't mind."

"thank you."

she took a couple pictures of the little decorations i did around the room for our date night and she moved towards the bed, putting her device up.

skylar took up the flowers and brought it to her nose, a delighted hum coming from her.

"ugh, this flowers smells like marshmallows." she groaned and took a long whiff of the scent.

i laughed.

"it doesn't but whatever you say."


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