[Ch. 10]

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 Umm... Where should I start?

 Fine. You interested in Kronos kissing my sister? Well, that turned out so good. Jamie blushed by the sudden kiss. And that Kronos smiled sweetly at her. Most of all, it was great that I was back to normal. I never knew that self-control was that important.

"Luke?" Jamie asked when she saw my eyes changing color. "Are you there?"

 I nodded. "I was there the whole time." When I saw her confused expression, I chuckled. "Of course, I couldn't stop him myself. I was, uh, quite out of control."

"That's... okay. I'm here for you." She smiled at me, which caused me to smile.

"So are you going or not?" Someone said impatiently. I snorted. "Since when does someone ask me like that?"

 He gulped and moved backwards. "No," he said weakly, his voice getting smaller.

"Good," I smirked at him and turned back at Jamie.

 Just then, I heard someone knocking at the door.

"Come in," I said. When I saw her, I noticed that she was Katie Gardener, girlfriend of Travis Stoll.

"Katie? What are you doing here?" Travis asked.

 Katie's face paled as she saw me and Jamie. "Chiron wants you in the Big House," she said.

 I mentally face-smacked myself. "What? Hope it's not about this..."

"This what?" Katie asked, confused, but I chose not to tell her. "You'll know that as soon as we go into a big, big trouble."

 Me and Jamie got to the Big House. Literally, we ran. But that doesn't matter now, since we are in a trouble that I can't fix. Or maybe, I could, but that's another story for another time.

"Chiron?" I asked as we got there.

"Oh, Luke, you're here," he said, smiling sadly. "Olympus is going to have a meeting."

"And that's important because-" Jamie was interrupted by me.

"Is that meeting about... me?" I asked, hoping it's not no.

 Chiron took a deep breath. "Yes. But not only you, but..." His eyes darted toward my sis.

"No..." My face paled, and the bracelet on my wrist began to pulse. 'Not now, Kronos.' I thought to myself, hoping he'll get the message. I heard him grumble, but he let me on my own.

"Luke, you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Jamie said, worriedly.

"Do I look like I'm okay?!" I nearly screamed at her. "Not only me, but you're going to take the punishment and get to Tartarus and something like that! I did all the mistakes and you're now known to people as if you took part in my crimes! And the truth is that you didn't do anything!!"

"Luke, calm down-" Chiron tried to say, but I interrupted him.

"I..." I looked at both of them. "I'm sorry." Then I began to sob. "Curse my demigod life. It's worthless."

"Luke..." Jamie hugged me. I leaned to her.

 After I calmed myself, I turned to look at them. "So, when is the meeting starting?" I asked Chiron.

 He looked at the sky. "Soon," he said. Jamie, still holding my hand in hers, looked at the sky, then back to me. "You know, uh, are we going to be okay?" She asked fearfully. "I'm going to Olympus for the first time."

"Trust me, it'll be okay, since you have me and that T-" I abruptly stopped as I noticed Chiron was there.

"Go on, I know the story. I heard it multiple time from, you know, campers." Chiron said.

"Jamie, I know this is a crazy experience for you, but I assure you that I'll protect you, no matter what." I said. "And not only me, but the Titan You-Know-Who too."

 And we heard a knock again. Chiron said, "You can come in."

 There stood famous Percy Jackson and his girlfriend Annabeth Chase. "Need some help?" Percy asked.

Issue #02. Like AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now