[Ch. 11]

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"What?!" I asked, confused. "What are you doing here...?"

"Uh, Luke, we weren't trying to eavesdrop, but we heard every bit of the story. Me and Annabeth. Both." He motioned at him and Annabeth. "Seems like you are in a trouble, so we knocked."

"You're here to give some tips, I suppose...?" I asked him, and he nodded. 

"Great Tips For Standing Against the Gods," Percy said. "Number one, act cool. Be innocent. But don't tease them, since they have more powers than you do."

 I have more power than theirs combined, Jackson. Kronos grumbled.

 Shut up. I muttered.

"Number two," Percy went on, "is to say nothing if possible."

"What? If we say nothing, they'll accept that as if we are obeying their orders and something like that!"

"Yes, but it can also mean that you're rebelling against them." Chiron said. He patted Percy's back. "That's good."

"And the last one, number three, is never to show your anger." Percy said, fixing his gaze on me. "Your anger can make you takeovered by Big K."

 'Big K'? Is that a nickname for me? Kronos grumbled. I want a better one.

 Shut up. He can't hear you anyway. I said.

"Thanks for givin' those tips, Percy!" Jamie said, smiling at him. "It'll help us a lot."

"Yeah, thanks." I said.

 Suddenly, Percy pulled me and Jamie into a group hug. With Annabeth, of course. "Just don't die there, Luke Castellan." He growled at me. "You too." He said to my younger sister.

 As soon as we pulled off from our embrace, a large lightning streaked past the sky.

"Time to go," I said with pain. "To Olympus."

 We shared our 'probably last' goodbyes, and I stared at the light-blue sky, then at Empire State Building. I could flash us there, but Jamie will get...

 I covered her eyes, and called Kronos' power to take us to the building in a blinding flash.

 We appeared back in the front of the huge building. A man was sitting at the front, so I told him that I was that 'also famous' Luke Castellan, host of Kronos, and he gasped and gave me the keys right away. I smirked, and took my sister's hand softly.

"This is the Empire State Building," I announced. "And Olympus is on the 600th floor..."

 We met a giant door on the 600th floor, Olympus. I looked at Jamie, who were about to faint, and took a deep breath.

"Here we go," I said, and held Jamie's shoulder tight. Sheathing my sword, I pushed the door. Behind the door stood Olympus.

 When we got to the throne room, I gave a mental note to Kronos that he and I have to protect Jamie no matter what happens, since I'm her older brother and he... has a tiny crush on her since forever. (smack)

 I opened the door, slowly and cautiously. When we set foot there, everyone looked at us, and back to Zeus.

"Well, well... Let's talk about your problems with the camp," Zeus said, smirking at me. Other Olympians scowled or glared at me. I stole a glance to Hestia, goddess of the hearth, home, and family. She smiled when I saw her. I shook my head. 

'Will someone stand for me? Even if I did the worst things?'

 Poseidon was not glaring at me, and that was great, because I did cause a lot of pain to his only son, Perseus Jackson. But Hera was glaring at me, and I knew that it was worth doing so. My dad was okay, and when he saw me and Jamie, he smiled softly. Apollo and Artemis didn't seem to bother with us, and that was okay. Ares was giving me a shiver, and others... well, I won't talk about that.

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