Chapter 11

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The morning after Heeseung had cried his eyes out on Jay’s shoulder was hell. His eyes were irritated and his head hurt, but he had to drag himself to class. He’d force himself to be a semi productive member of society. Jay had looked at him like he wanted to tell him it was okay if he didn’t want to leave the room, at least for a day, but Heeseung didn’t want to stop everything because he couldn’t deal with his feelings. In Jay’s defence, Heeseung had slept hugging Sunghoon’s shirt, as disgusting as Jay seemed to think that was, and he was still holding it in his hand when he got up. 

His morning classes were fine; he knew he could deal with those. He was never fully awake for them anyway, so being a little distracted wasn’t something new. The real challenge would come at midday, he’d have to sit with the rest and not break down as soon as he sees Sunghoon. Thankfully, it was one of those days Sunghoon was the last to join them for lunch. 

It was easy to tell everyone knew something was wrong with him. Sunoo wasn’t subtle at all about trying to cheer him up and distract him, even if it was obvious he had no idea what was troubling Heeseung. Riki was pretty late to joining them, but he had taken one look at Heeseung and he had known. Heeseung wasn’t sure how he knew, how he figured it out so fast, but he had.

“You should still try,” Riki said taking everyone by surprise. “I don’t know what happened at the wedding, but you came back being weird with each other and, no offence, everyone knows you like Sunghoon-hyung.” He looked directly at Heeseung, “so whatever happened doesn’t matter, you shouldn’t just give up.”

Heeseung stayed quiet as Sunoo and Jay scolded Riki for being, maybe, a bit insensitive. Whatever they were saying, Heeseung wasn’t listening. He thought, to himself, to how the last two weeks had been, to how he had been feeling. Riki was right, he was already feeling like shit, at least he could try. For Sunghoon, he could fight. It could completely ruin him, but not knowing for certain, all the guessing he had been doing was killing him slowly. It was worse than being directly rejected.

His original plan had been to try courting Sunghoon after the wedding after all, he could still do that. 

He stood up before he could think, his movement had been so sudden he startled everyone else sitting at the table. They looked at him waiting for Heeseung to say something, Heeseung thought he wanted to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say, he wanted to thank them, he wanted to apologise, but he didn’t know how. Before he could say anything, they heard some commotion to the side, near the main building. 

There, trapped between a table and an alpha none of them could recognise right away, was Sunghoon. He looked uncomfortable and angry as he tried to push the alpha away from him. Nothing like that had ever happened before, at least not that they were aware. They were all ready to jump in and help Sunghoon, if the alpha got any closer or did anything weird, they were going to kill him. But, before anything could happen, before any of them could react, Heeseung was already walking over to them.

He’d just decided he’d fight for Sunghoon’s heart, and apparently, he was also going to physically fight. He’d never been in a fight before, but it just made sense that the first one he could potentially get into would be to protect Sunghoon. 

“Back off, asshole,” he heard Sunghoon angrily say to the alpha.

“Come on, be nice,” the alpha tried to get even closer and Sunghoon pushed him with both arms, “it’s the first time I can’t smell that other alpha on you,” he didn’t stop pushing forward, grabbing one of Sunghoon’s wrists. “Why don’t you spend some time with me? You must be lonely without your alpha.” 

“No thank you, I’d rather die,” Sunghoon tried to free his arm. 

Heeseung stepped in right then, pulling the alpha by his other arm. Taking him by surprise, the alpha dropped Sunghoon’s arm as he was turned to face Heeseung. It took the alpha a moment, but he quickly recognised Heeseung’s scent.

“So you are the alpha he’d smell like every day, he got tired of you?” Heeseung could tell he wanted to make him feel small and insecure, but he already thought Sunghoon liked Jake, and this alpha had nothing on him. 

“I don’t think that concerns you,” Heeseung growled, a warning to the alpha. It was in that moment, Heeseung was thankful for his height.

“Fuck off,” the alpha said, it didn’t have as much bite as he had intended. 

“No,” Sunghoon said suddenly from behind the alpha, “you are the one who’s going to leave, now.”

“Don’t speak to me like that, omega-” Sunghoon didn’t hesitate to slap him, the sound of the impact startling Heeseung. 

“I told you I don’t want anything with you,” the alpha was about to grab Sunghoon again, but this time Heeseung pushed him to the side and quickly offered his hand to Sunghoon, who took it as fast as he could. 

Heeseung wasn’t expecting for Sunghoon to pull him away to the side, but he went along, not resisting at all. The other alpha was too stunned to follow after them; he probably hadn’t been expecting Heeseung to show up or for Sunghoon to resist so much. Sunghoon walked right past the table the rest of their friends were sitting at. Sunghoon kept walking and Heeseung was just following him, he didn’t know where they were going, but he guessed it was a good opportunity to talk to him.

They finally stopped outside of the college’s campus, Sunghoon had walked all the way to a little park a block or so away from it. 

“Hyung-” Sunghoon started, but Heeseung knew if he didn’t speak first, he wouldn’t be able to say anything.

“Sorry.” He said abruptly, “I’m sorry, I can’t forget.”

“I-it’s okay…” Sunghoon said, Heeseung didn’t know if it had been embarrassment or something else that had made Sunghoon stutter.

“I can’t forget because… because I like you,” Heeseung finally confessed. His heart wouldn’t calm down, but somehow he still felt calm. Something was wrong with him, but he felt so free.

“I don’t like Jake,” was what Sunghoon said after a moment, “Jake told me… you probably thought I liked him, but I don’t, I don’t like him and he doesn’t like me.”

“Okay?” Heeseung wasn’t too sure how that mattered, but he was glad Sunghoon didn’t like their friend.

“And I don’t want to forget,” he admitted, “I didn’t want to forget back then, I just didn’t want you to reject me.”

“Why would I reject you?” Now Heeseung was completely lost, why did Sunghoon think he’d ever reject him? Hadn’t he been pretty obvious with his feelings? Everyone else seemed to think so.

“Hyung, I said I loved you, I said I wanted to be yours… and you didn’t say anything,” Sunghoon almost laughed, “I am in love with you, I took what I could and then… panicked.”

“I- I thought you were acting,” Heeseung looked at their hands, neither had let go, “I thought you were drunk and regretted it, I…” he looked into Sunghoon’s eyes, “I’m in love with you, too.”

And it had been that simple. Very slowly, almost shyly, they got closer until they were almost touching. Heeseung leaned down the tiniest bit and Sunghoon finished pressing their lips together. It was the first kiss they shared without being drunk, but somehow, Heeseung felt like he was flying. Knowing their feelings were mutual made the kiss so much better, knowing it wasn’t something that would last just that moment. That it was something he could do again, that they would do again. It was the first kiss of many and he felt high.

Sunghoon hesitated for a second after they had separated, “I… don’t smell like you anymore,” he mumbled, “is it- is it too soon to… scent… each other again?” Heeseung’s heart was about to explode.

“It’s not too soon…” he whispered as he put his hand on Sunghoon’s face, tilting it to scent him like they used to.

Heeseung felt so in love, he didn’t think it was possible. As he scented Sunghoon, he knew they still had to talk more about everything. But he also knew they’d be okay, that they could love each other openly and for real now.

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