Chapter 12

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Eventually, after scenting each other, they returned to where they had left their friends in confusion. Sunghoon was not looking forward to explaining to them everything that had happened, but with what they made them go through, they kind of owned it to them. Especially to Sunoo and Riki, who were the most in the dark about what had happened, the rest already had an idea. 

“So… you two pretended to pretend to date for a month,” Sunoo looked over at Heeseung, “got drunk at the wedding because your weird cousin wanted to have at it with Sunghoon-hyung,” he turned to Sunghoon, “you thought it was hot how he defended you and decided to have sex and then decided not to talk for two weeks until neither could take it anymore.”

“That’s- yeah, basically what happened,” Heeseung said, blushing, they had already been teased for, once again, smelling like each other. This time, he took pride on it instead of trying to look for excuses. Sunghoon wasn’t blushing as hard as Heeseung, but he still looked to the side to avoid Sunoo’s eyes.

“I’m honestly surprised you were prepared enough to have sex,” Jay said and that made Sunghoon freeze. His heat was still a week late. Sunghoon felt Heeseung tense up as well.

“You had everything to have safe sex, didn’t you?” Sunoo emphasised the safe part, and neither of them wanted to look at their friends.

“Your first time together was unprotected and while drunk?!” Riki looked disappointed, like he had thought they’d be more prepared than that, like he believed they were better than that.

“B-but we are clean, right?” Heeseung looked over at Sunghoon for confirmation, Sunghoon nodded, because yes, that wasn’t what he was worried about. “A-and a p-pregnancy outside of heat is… very uncommon…” 

“Please tell me you didn’t… inside,” Jungwon couldn’t look him in the eye when saying that. 

“No! No, of course, not,” Heeseung answered fast, Sunghoon couldn’t believe they were having this conversation out in public. “W-when’s your heat supposed to be?” Heeseung asked and Sunghoon couldn’t breathe.

“It’s… it should have been… last week…” he said so quietly he didn’t expect anyone to hear him. But they all did, Heeseung paled as the rest started to panic. “I- I’m sure it’s nothing, the stress probably made it late,” he wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince.

“We are buying you a couple of test.” Jake stated, everyone agreeing with him. He was sure it was nothing, but seeing everyone get worried kind of made him doubt. Heeseung let go of his hand to put his arm around him and pulled him closer. It felt nice and it reassured Sunghoon that regardless, everything would be fine.

At night, and two negative tests later, they all breathed out in relief. Sunghoon took pleasure in knowing he was right and it was nothing, or at least that it wasn’t a pregnancy making his heat late. Their friend had still scolded them and reminded them to wear protection the next time they had sex. It felt weird having their friends know so much about their first time together, but it was also nice knowing they cared. Sunghoon would still prefer if none of them ever knew anything else about Heeseung and his sex life in the future. 

Like Sunghoon had predicted, once he was no longer stressed and a couple of days had passed, he started getting pre-heat symptoms. They were a blessing and a curse, Sunghoon hated them, but he was glad his heat was finally coming. That had been his worst heat since he first started having them, as Heeseung had refused to help him. Sunghoon understood why, they had just strated dating and they had just had a pregnancy scare, but it still sucked. 

After his heat, he finally returned Heeseung’s shirt to him.

“Oh, I had forgotten about this,” Heeseung said when Sunghoon appeared with his shirt one day. And then gave him his back. “I’m surprised we managed to confused them.”

“We… didn’t,” Sunghoon admitted hiding his face in his hands, “I changed them when you were in the shower.”

“You did? Why?” Heeseung’s tone wasn’t judging, just sincere curiosity. 

“Because clothes hold onto scents longer…” Sunghoon couldn’t believe what he was saying, “I wanted to have your scent with me for a bit longer.”

“You are cute,” Heeseung kissed him on the nose.

After that, they had returned to going on dates every couple of days. They had incorporated going out with all their friends or on double dates every other time as well, now that they didn’t have to pretend. Now that they were an actual couple. The other thing that had returned was the almost daily scenting. They did it enough for Jay and Jungwon to complain about it. They still weren’t going to stop, it was like oxygen to them, they needed it.

About two months into being together, Heeseung’s mother had called during one of their dates. They were just cuddling in Heeseung’s bed, watching a movie on his laptop, when Heeseung’s phone started ringing. When he saw it was his mother, Heeseung sighed but answered anyway after pausing the movie. It was a video call, and Sunghoon moved up a little from Heeseung’s chest to appear on the screen as well.

“Oh, wasn’t expecting you to be with anyone…” his mother had said, and Sunghoon remembered how much she annoyed him.

“We were just watching a movie,” Heeseung told her, Sunghoon waved at her politely.

“Right, I was just calling to see how things were, how you’ve been,” she smiled, though the phone was a bit too close to her face.

“I’ve- we’ve been fine, everything’s going great,” Heeseung answered honestly, outside of the first two weeks after the wedding, everything had been more than perfect. “Has hyung come back from his honeymoon?” 

“Yeah, he came by today, actually, and I thought I’d give you a call as well,” she commented looking to the side, “I see he hasn’t left you yet.”

“I have no intentions of leaving him,” Sunghoon hissed, Heeseung looked at him lovingly and Sunghoon could see it on the screen.

“Seems like it, I still think you could do way better with a face like that,” Sunghoon was ready to argue.

“Don’t start with that again,” another voice was heard from the background, Sunghoon hadn’t heard it much before, but he knew that was Heeseung’s brother. “Heeseungie is a great alpha, a great person, you seem to forget that.” 

“But have you seen the omega-” Heeseung’s mother tried to argue

“Yes, yes I have.” He cut her off, “and he’s smart for choosing Heeseung to be with, now let them be.”

“Sunghoon is so much more than just an omega, mum, and… neither of us is perfect, but we make it work, together,” Heeseung kissed the top of his head, “so you can say whatever, he still loves me and I love him and I’ll make sure that doesn’t change, ever. Bye mum.” Before she could say anything else, Heeseung hung up.

“I really don’t like your parents, sorry, your brother’s okay, though,” Heeseung started laughing right after Sunghoon said that.

“It’s okay, they are… yeah, I’m used to them,” Heeseung commented.

“You are so much more than what they think of you,” Sunghoon said moving up to kiss Heeseung quickly.

“I know,” Heeseung whispered kissing Sunghoon again, “at least I know now.”

“You better not forget, I’ll remind you every day,” with his hand on the back of Heeseung’s neck, Sunghoon went for a deeper kiss. 

They kissed for a while, Heeseung moving the laptop to the side so it wouldn’t fall. Things were starting to get heavier, hands wandering under shirts, when the door to the room opened.

“If you are going to be fucking in the room, at least lock the door, Jesus,” Jay complained closing the door behind him again, then opening it again and walking in, “I need my charger,” then he walked out closing the door once more.

Sunghoon and Heeseung were frozen for a couple of seconds longer before breaking down in laughter. After calming down, they kissed one more time, but decided it was best to keep going with the movie. They’d have time for everything and a little more in the future, when they were more prepared. And when Jay wasn’t in the room next to where they were.

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