"I'm running because I can, because I must. Because I want to see how far I can go before I have to stop."
A few days passed since we all went shopping, buying new dresses and whatever else we needed to keep us entertained for a while. For me, it was not long. I had a habit of not staying still and wanting to actually do something to keep my brain occupied. Emmeline and Rosalind mentioned it years ago when I would zone out in family meetings or not being to stay still when I had to sit for long periods of time. It was difficult, but since I have been year, I have kept my mind at ease by constantly doing something. Whether its cleaning or doing laundry, or frantically running around the Riviera with the wind in my face.
I was jogging down the street of my favorite pub, trying to keep my thoughts at bay. Late at night when everyone else was sleeping, sometimes I think of everything I wish to do with my life. I want to drive the fastest car until I am sick to my stomach, fly over every beautiful city in the world, or climb down the darkest caves and give it light. There are so many possibilities and I wish to explore every inch of it. No matter who I have to hurt in the process, I will do it.
My thoughts distracted me from what I was doing because I turned a corner and bumped shoulders with a muscular figure. I turned and realized it was a tall man with brown waves and a little bit of a tan. But not much. He met my gazed and curled his lips into a smirk. Of course, we both know who we are to each other. My heightened senses of both being Vampire and Fae was indistinguishable from that of the same creature. This pretty man was a Vampire.
"I thought you lot don't come around here." I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms. I was teasing him and he knew it. At least, I think he did. Sometimes my joes don't get to the punchline. I looked down at him, seeing now that his white t-shirt was stained with blood, along with the jeans he was wearing. His converse the same color was also stained and it made fearful of what this man did to someone else.
He noticed my gaze and placed his hands in the air, waving his innocence. "I did not do this, okay? I found him bleeding out on the next street and I went to find you." That raised my questions even more. He sighed, even though he technically could not breathe. "Give me the chance to tell you everything. I promise I am not the bad guy here."
"Go on."
"I live here in the Riviera with my brother, Luc. I am Amias Guinevere. Ever since you and your family decided to stay here, we have kept your distance. We believed you needed space from everything, including a pair of Vampire brothers." he confessed, continuing. His light brown eyes brightened in the light of the pub a building ahead. We were avoiding the public eye and no one else seemed to notice. "I went to find you because something killed my brother's friend an hour ago. Soari, I need your help."
I frowned. "Who do you think murdered his friend? Where is Luc now?"
Amias clenched his jaw, gazing at his surroundings to see if people were looking at us. They weren't. "A couple of blocks away." he said blankly, trying to cover up his frantic state. "Luc is in a grief-ridden state and I can't do anything to make him move. His friend...he was my friend, too."
I softened. Of course, I know the fear of the exact situation. If Bea was ever murdered, I would destroy the world or worse to get her back. There is nothing I would not do. "Let me try to help, Amias. Walk me to your brother." Amias followed my order and led me to a dark alleyway, where I found a blond man crying as he held his dead friend. The corpse was pretty, much like Amias and now Luc. I took a breath, trying to gain any sort of strength. I can do this, Soari. I have to. Slowly, I crouched down beside Luc as he was in a daze and not letting go of his friend. I quickly turned to Amias, who was standing behind me, watching patiently. "What was his name?"

The Light Within Her - Book Nine
VampireShe is light. She is shadow. *** Soari Breevort have spent the last few years in the French Riviera, sun-bathing on the beach and getting drunk on the most expensive wine that France has to offer. But she isn't alone. Her two cousins, Emmeline, Rosa...